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Belle had been very apologetic. When they got back to the castle they found Belle frantically searching for Neal and Hope.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't even see them sneak out. Hope said she was tired. Neal was bringing her to her room. It wasn't until he didn't come back that I realized something was wrong. I looked all over. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." Snow said. "Everything turned out okay. Nobody got hurt."

"Speak for yourself" Zelena snapped.

"You didn't know they would sneak out. None of us did. We know you would have never let them out of your sight if you suspected they would."

The moment Emma and Killian walked into the castle, Liam and Leia came running. Emma had tears running down her face as she reunited with her children. Standing there with her husband and family, everything was perfect.

"Are you sad mom?" Hope asked.

Emma smiled. "No Ladybug. I'm not sad. These are happy tears."

Snow and David insisted on everyone staying for dinner. "You helped us. It's the least we can do." David said.

They all had a big dinner that night. Snow, David, Killian, Emma, Henry, Regina, Neal, Hope, Liam, Leia, Rumple, Belle, Gideon, Zelena, Robyn, Grumpy, Granny and Red. The table was packed.

After a while all the guests left and the only ones who remained were the family. They all sat down to talk.
David and Snow sat with Neal between them. Emma and Killian sat together. Hope sat between them. Leia was in Killian's lap and Liam in Emmas. Henry sat next to Regina. That night they all stayed up late, talking and laughing.

David and Snow made sure that Neal knew what he did was wrong. "You could have gotten hurt. Hope could have gotten hurt." David said.

"I know. I'm sorry." Neal said. "I just wanted to be a hero. Like you and mom. Like Henry. Like Emma."

Emma smiled. "You have plenty of time for that squirt."

Emma and Killian weren't very happy with Hope either. They made sure she knew that what she did was very dangerous.
In the end they all decided that what happened at the Witches castle was punishment enough for the kids, and didn't punish them any farther.

That night, after the kids were in bed, David and Snow found Emma sitting alone. She seemed to be deep in thought.

"You okay Em?" David asked as he sat down next to her.

Emma smiled."Yeah. I'm fine."

Snow sighed as she sat down on Emmas other side. "No you aren't. What's bothering you?"

"It's nothing. I just, I miss home is all."

Snow nodded. She knew it would be hard on Emma.

"I'm glad to be here, don't get me wrong." Emma said. "I knew when I used that bean that I would be saying goodbye to my life there. I knew I wouldn't be able to go back. I missed you guys and I'm happy to be with you again. It's just..."

"You didn't grow up here." David sighed. "We understand that Emma. It's only natural that you'd miss that place. But I want you to know Emma, your mother and I, we are happy to have you back. You'll always have a home here."

Emma smiled. "Thank you. Thanks for taking care of the kids. I know they can be a handful."

"They weren't any trouble at all." Snow said.

Emma snorted. "I find that hard to believe."

"No, really. They were great." David said.

"So. Liam David." He smiled. Emma laughed.

"The middle name was actually Killian's idea, believe it or not. He insisted that if we were naming him after his brother that we name him after you too. Once we decided on his middle name picking Leia's came easily."

David grinned. "Remind me why I ever hated that guy."

Emma rolled her eyes. "You really did hate him."

Snow shook her head. "You just didn't like the idea of him dating Emma. Admit it."

"I won't argue with you there." David said. "But I have to say, he has grown on me."

"I tend to have that affect on people." Killian said as he walked into the room.

"Jeez Killian. How long have you been standing there?" Emma asked.

"Not long." Killian winked. "So what's this about me growing on you Dave?"

David laughed. "Hey, don't push it."

That night Emma slept good. Sure she missed her life in Maine, but she was back with her family. And that was all that really mattered. Home wasn't necessarily a place. Home was where her family was.

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