Six Flags

76 1 0

(Your pov)

Louis parked the car, and we made our way up to the ticket counter. "Two all day passes." Louis told the person. "Louis, I can pay for mine." "No, I'm paying." "Can I pay you back?" "You are by spending the entire day with me, Journey." He smiled and handed the person the money.

"Here you go. Have a nice day." The person said and slid the passes that were on necklaces through the glass opening. Louis put one pass on me, and the other on himself. We made our way through the metal bars, that blocked the entrance off to people without passes.

Louis intertwined our hands. "Look at the roller coaster!" I exclaimed, pointing at the tallest roller coaster they had. "Do you want to go on that one?" "No way." I shook my head. We walked around hand in hand for bit searching for a ride. "Lets go on that one, Journey." Louis suggested, pointing at a roller coaster that wasn't too tall. "Okay."

Louis smiled and we went to get in line. "We are not letting go of each others' hands until the ride is over." Louis instructed. "I wasn't planning on it." I smiled. "Oh, we're next." Louis smiled as we got to the safety gate for the ride. The gates opened after a few minutes.

The other riders got off and we got on. The employees gave rules and made sure every seatbelt and bars were working. "Have fun." The guy at the switch machine said. I squeezed Louis's hand every time we went down a hill or made a right curve.

We were both screaming and laughing. The ride came to a stop. "That was so much fun!" Louis and I said at the same time. I smiled and he laughed. We got off the ride and went towards another roller coaster. "I think my hand is broken." Louis laughed. "Sorry."

"We'll just switch sides so my hands are evenly broken." Louis smiled and kissed my hand. "We'll take you to a hospital after we leave." I smiled. "Makes for a more memorable date." Louis laughed. "And then we'll go on another to make up for my injuries." Louis said. I smiled at him and pulled my hair out of my face with my free hand.

We got on our second roller coaster. We were on the opposite sides from the first time. We just laughed, as it went backwards and every other person screamed. Louis and I put our intertwined hands and opposite hands in the air and screamed.

"This is so much fun, Louis." "I'm really glad we did this." "What time is it?" "Lunch time. Want to get something?" "Sure." "Journey, I'm still paying." "Why? I can pay for something." Louis shook his head. "How about we split it?" "Fine." Louis sighed.

We went towards a food stand. "What do you want for lunch?" Louis asked. "Lets go simple. With rides like that we'd be safer if we starved all day." I said. "Yeah." Louis and I ordered some drinks and two cheese pizzas. We found a little picnic table, and sat down.

"Thanks, Lou." "For what?" "This, Louis. I'm glad you asked me out." I smiled. Louis put an arm around me, and bit into his pizza. We just talked as we sat there. "Maybe we should wait a bit." "Make sure the food is down?" Louis asked. I nodded. "Yeah." Louis smiled.

"We could walk around a bit?" Louis suggested. "Sure." I smiled. We threw our trash away, and intertwined our hands again. "Oh, you have something on your face." Louis smiled, and we stopped walking. "Really? Is it something from the pizza?" I asked as I crossed my eyes trying to see the thing on my face. "No. Let me get it." Louis said and crashed his lips onto mine.

I was shocked. Louis hasn't kissed me and we've been dating for three weeks. We hung out every couple days. Louis wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck, and played with the tips of his hair as we kissed.

Louis pulled away slightly, and leaned his forehead against mine. "You didn't have anything on your face." Louis smiled. "Oh? I didn't?" I laughed. "No. I just wanted to get you to stop for a minute." He blushed. "Is Louis Tomlinson blushing?" I asked quietly. "No. It's a sunburn." He said.

"I'm glad you stopped me." I said, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks. "Who's blushing now?" Louis smirked, and we started walking again. Our hands were intertwined again. Louis started laughing. "What?" "I kissed you in the middle of the park, with little kids around." He smiled.

"It wasn't just a peck either." I said. "No, but I'm glad I did that, Journey." "I'm glad you did that, too, Louis." I smiled. "Be careful what you say, Journey. You might jinx yourself." Louis smirked. "How so?" I smiled. "Things like that could become regular." Louis smiled and kissed my hand that was intertwined with his.

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