part 4

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I wake up to my face in robins chest and his arms wrapped around me. I look up a bit to see him looking at me already.

"Goodmorning." I say getting up and stretching my arms.

"Goodmorning." He says mocking my body language.

I look at him and smile and he does the same.

"Stop copying me" I say to him

"Stop copying me" he mocks again

"Robin I'm serious"

"Robin I'm serious"

"I'm gonna fuck your ass up"

"I'm gonna fuck your ass up"

I give up and walk out the room going downstairs into the kitchen with him following me.

"Do you want anything?" I ask

"Um I'll have whatever you have." He responds

"A bagel?"


I make bagels and grab the cream cheese and reach for plates but I'm to short, I slightly jump when another body barley touches me grabbing two plates.

"Thanks." I say

He nods and I finish making the bagels.
I hand him a plate and we both sit down and eat.

"Soooo.." I mumble

"So..." he says

"later on we should play just dance." I suggest

"I'm gonna win.. again." Robin says

"you very much lost try again.." I say

"I won!"

"No you didn't!"

"Yes I did!"

"Nu uh!"

"Yu huh!"

and y'all js keep going back and forth until you both decide for a rematch. Once y'all done eating y'all go upstairs and you get ur just dance cd (idk if they had just dance back then but we gon say they did bc we ❤️ just dance)

"I'm gonna beat u." I say confidently

"Yea right" he says as the dance starts
We play just dance 4 and I pick Disturbia first and I win, he picks run the show and I win, I pick on the floor and I win, he picks love you like a love song and he wins, I pick super bass and I win, he picks never gonna give u up and he wins, I pick umbrella and he wins and that's all we did.

My score: 4

His score: 3

"Told you I would beat your ass!" I say dancing around

"I want a rematch plus you only have one more than me." He replies

"Nope! I won and that's it!!" I continue to dance around

"Ok ok what should we do now?" He asks

"We should invite gwen and finney over and we should do a baking challenge!"

"Ok I'll call Finn."

"say gwen can come so it's not a extra call."
He nods and walks downstairs to my house phone he takes about 5 min before coming back up.

"They can come!" He says

"Yes! Let's go get the kitchen set up!"
We walk downstairs and clean up the kitchen and I get chocolate cake batter and vanilla cake batter and place one box on each side of the counter, I get all the ingredients and double it and spilt it between both sides. As we're done getting the mixing bowls out and the table spoons, teaspoons, and all that out we hear a knock on the door.

"Hey guys!" I say opening the door seeing Finn and Gwen.

"Hi yn!" They both say coming in and going to the kitchen following me
"Hey Robin!" Finney says
"Hi Robin." Gwen says

"Hey guys." He says

"Ok so we're splitting into teams of 2." I say

"Ok so should it b boys vs girls, siblings vs non siblings, or robin and me & finney and yn?" Gwen asks

"boys vs girls!" Finn says

"Ok!" We all agree
I cut open the batter mix and pour it into the bowl after that I secretly grab flour and get a handful and throw it at robin and finn. Me and Gwen laugh while they try to get flour and then we all end up having a flour fight. We stop when we are covered in flour along with the floor.

"Ok let's finish making this then we can all get washed off!" I say pouring mix into a cake mold thing finney and robin do that as well and me and robin both put our cakes into the oven. Finney gets washed off first then me, then robin then gwen by the time we're all done the cakes are baked so we take them out the oven and they look done so we cut 4 slices out of each and all taste test them. They both taste pretty good but we need another judge.

"MOM!" I yell

"Yes sweetie?" My mom yells from upstairs

"WE NEED YOU FOR A SECOND COME HERE PLEASE!" I yell and she comes down

"What yall need?" She says with a smile on her face.

"Ok so we did a baking challenge girl vs boys and me and Gwen made chocolate cake and finn and robin made vanilla so you need to judge which if better." I explain

"Ok I'll try chocolate first." My mom says
I get her a slice of each and she tries the chocolate and she looks suprised when she tastes it.

"What do you rate it out of 10?" I ask

"7.5" she replies

"Now try vanilla."
She tries it and she makes a face I don't know if it's good or bad.

"Soo.." I say waiting for her to rate it

"9.5 sorry girls but I usually hate vanilla but this is actually really good. Good job finn and Robin! And you and Gwen still did amazing!" My mom says sugar coating it

"YES!" Finney and Robin celebrate

"Atleast ours is still good." I say to Gwen with a shrug and she nods.
My mom goes back upstairs and we all decide to go to a drive in

"I can ask my mom to drive us!" I say

"Yes!" They all say
I walk upstairs to my mom asking if she can drive us and she says yes of course I walk back downstairs and tell them

"Ok let's go guys!" My mom says walking down
Gwen and finn sit in the middle row and me and Robin sit in the back row

"What are we watching?" Robin asks

"I don't know yet maybe sugar hill?" (1974 movie)

"sounds nice." Robin replies


We get there and rent a car and my mom drives back to the house. we sit in an open trunk and I sit near the window on the left side it goes me, Robin, finney, gwen. We watch the movie and there is s jumpscare which caused me to grab ahold of robins arm, he looks down and smiles at me as I quickly let go. When the movies over we talk about it still in the car when suddenly the trunk slams and the car starts moving.

ooooh I wonder what's gonna happen
1135 words

we are in this together // robin Arellano x yn //Where stories live. Discover now