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Entry 1
'I had gotten this diary to document the recent disturbances i've been experiencing that have been making me feel exceedingly paranoid.

I've been noticing things showing up to my house, ranging from weird little trinkets to jewelery, maybe some crows had grown fond of me and are bringing me things, but that wouldn't explain the items in my house moving without me moving them, such as clothes being taken out from their drawers and strewn in random places; i've also noticed things around the house disappearing and returning days or even weeks later, maybe there have even been things that haven't been returned; i have noticed that i've been running out of food a lot faster now.

Maybe there's just been a mice or rat infestation somewhere and they've been eating my food, despite having pest control over several times and them clearing the whole house. This has been going on for a couple months now and it hasn't gotten any better and I don't think it ever will, if anything it's gotten worse. None of it makes any sense and it's driving me crazy. 4/7/20XX'

I sigh as I close my diary and set it to the side, pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration. I rest my head in the palm of my hand and look out the window, watching the beginnings of a heavy downpour. You shut your eyes listening to the peaceful sounds of the raindrops hitting against your window.

You could sense yourself begin to drift off but suddenly you heard a tapping at your window and your eyes shot open and your heart started beating wildly, you hurriedly stood up and rushed over to the window to check if it were locked, only to realize that it was just a stray tree branch swaying in the wind and hitting your window. Your heartbeat slowed and you untensed your shoulders, leaning your head on the cool window and looking at the puddles form outside on the ground. 'Of course, it was just a tree branch, it'd be stupid of me to think it was anything else. I really need to get this paranoia checked out.' You thought. You lifted your head from the window to check if it was locked, it was. You looked down at your phone to look at the time; '8:32' it read, you turned around and made your way out of your room and to the kitchen to figure out something to eat.

Once you had made it into the kitchen you opened the fridge to reveal that there was barely anything, nothing but a few condiments and a few other random things. 'Wow, I really need to go shopping tomorrow.' You sighed and grabbed a half empty jug of milk from the fridge and placed it on the island; you closed the fridge and went over to the cupboard to grab a random box of cereal and a bowl. You then poured the cereal and milk into the bowl and grabbed a spoon from the drying rack, then you put the milk and cereal back in their respective places. You pulled a stool out from under the island and began to eat the cereal. 'What a great dinner this is; how filling.' You thought sarcastically.

Once you had finished the cereal you dropped the spoon and bowl into the sink deciding you'd clean them later and went back upstairs turning the lights off as you left. When you reached your room you closed the door and locked it behind you despite no one being home to bother you, it had been a habit you gained over the years, it enforced the rule of privacy you had set for yourself. You turned the lights off in your room, your small nightlight lighting up as it sensed the darkness; you smiled at your childness and turned your phone on, opening spotify to find a random playlist to lull you asleep. You finally settled on a playlist so you plugged your phone in and set it on the night stand letting darkness engulf you once again.

No Toby in this chapter 😋 perhaps next chapter? 🫢 who knows 🫣
Word count: 698

Crazy; Ticci Toby x Reader Where stories live. Discover now