Chapter Twelve

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"I love the beach" I tell Theo as we walk along the golden sand against the shore with the sun beating down on our backs. "Anything outdoors really, its so freeing to get back to your roots. Everythings so simple and raw. That's true beauty you know?"

"You just described yourself, simple and raw" Theo beams down at me.

"Oh fuck off, don't be cheesy" I scold jabbing at his arm with my fist. "Can't you just call me ugly and tell me you hate me" I whine.

"Or you could just man up and except the fact that I think you're the most amazing women that I have ever had the honour to roam the night world with, not to forget pretty and funny and..."

"Gross Theo, shut up!" I shudder. "Compliment overload"

"Aw thank you Theo, oh look how nice you are for spilling your heart out to me" He mocks hinting for a thank you. I raise my eyebrow at him to show him I was not willing to say thank you. "I mean, most girls would love to have a guy licking their ass and complimenting the colour of their shit, what's wrong with you!" Theo says half joking, but with just enough seriousness he almost sounded annoyed.

"I'm not most girls, I don't find it comfortable that's all. But thank you Theo I do appreciate you and all my fans." I say gesturing around at the empty beach pretending that it's full of adoring fans. I chuckle before leaving a soft kiss on Theos lips and let his arm snake across my back pulling me closer to him, tucking me under his arm.

I was still yet to see any other night spawners on our travels and it was strange to see Hawaii so quiet and deserted. The beautiful landscape was bright and begged me to explore it as it sat tall against the horizon. We wouldn't have time to go for a hike or go as deep into nature as I would like, so the beach will have to make do. Hawaii is one of those places that once you visit, it's inevitable that you will come back a changed person. The culture and the surroundings are so freeing and humbling that it will spiritually awaken even the most cynical of people. The first time I ever went to Hawaii was when I was around 18 with my parents for a holiday. After that, there was no way I could come back the same person. That trip shaped who I am now and was one of them pivotal moments in my life and it's strange to be back here but with Theo this time.

We walked a little further down the beach before we stopped to sit down facing the crystal clear water. Theo pulled me onto his lap wrapping both of his arms around me as we watched the gentle waves wash up to shore.

"Have you ever been here before?" I ask Theo

"I have, just in this world though. I Would love to go here in real life" I feel him smile against my neck as he rests his chin on my shoulder.

"Who did you come here with?"

"Just a friend I made" He replys swiftly.

"Oh, where are they now?" I ask, I didn't even stop to think about the fact Theo would of had a life before me. It feels like we've always been together in this world. Maybe he used to see another girl? Maybe he has had lots of girls in this world. He could have a girlfriend in real life, there's no way to know for sure. Would it be cheating? I mean none of us are conscious. We are both sound asleep and this isn't our physical body's so would I be aloud to be jealous? Even the thought of Theo with another girl makes me feel a little bit queasy and we aren't even close to dating.

"I don't know where they are, they just disappeared so it seems" Theo chuckles briefly interrupting my wondering thoughts. "I have you now, it's a lot more beautiful with you by my side anyway" I groan dramatically making Theo laugh. He leans over to kiss my cheek moving his lips around to leave a wet patch.

"Theo please, that's so gross dude" I say rubbing my cheek furiously. "You're not a dog you're a human, you do realise that right?"

"What!?" Theo exclaims with mock horror. "I'm human? No way! It can't be!" I slap Theo's arm with a giggle as he tightens his grip around me. "Learn to say thank you Shai, I will never stop complimenting you."

"God damnit, why must you be such a nice guy."

"I was born this way baby." He smirks.

We sit this way for the rest of the evening watching the sun set and the waves crash against the shore and enjoy eachothers company. We haven't known eachother long but I've never felt stronger then when I'm with Theo. The only bad thing about all of this is the fact i'm longing more and more to meet Theo in real life. To make this, whatever this is real. Maybe it wouldn't feel as magical when we are awake, maybe thats why people don't meet up. This place is like a fairytale, where you can live out your dreams and feel everything you've ever dreamed of, see everything you've ever dreamed of. There's so many possibilitys here yet so many drawbacks. I can't work out if I'm blessed with this ability or if I'm cursed and stripped of the right to have a normal life. I let myself forget my worries as I feel Theos grip against me loosen and my body slip out of the night world and into somewhere inbetween.

Hey guys, sorry for the late update I have had no time to write! Don't forget to comment and rate this chapter if you've enjoyed it, I love reading feedback.
Until next time.

Lost in a dream // Shailene Woodley and Theo James (Sheo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now