The Beginning

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I'm a killer, I do awful things and I'm an awful person but last night I realized I was the only one doing awful things.

Let's start from the beginning, shall we? It all started last year when I was watching true crime documentaries of serial killers talking about the crimes they committed. And it had me thinking about the horrible people in my life and how they finally deserved a taste of their own medicine.

And I know you're probably thinking that no person deserves to be murdered and you're probably right but at the time all I didn't care all I could think about was the things that people have done to me and how I was going to get rid of them.

I even made a list I called it the kill list or my kill list and I trust me I know it sounds fucked up

It probably sounds that way because it is.

But I didn't care. The list started with the random dude that raped me and finished with the girl who bullied me in high school. And I don't wanna hear that I'm twenty-six and I shouldn't be holding grudges because that girl fucking ruined my life.

How? You might ask, well she first slept with my boyfriend and recorded it all then took all my clothes after swim class oh and she made brownies for my birthday and put laxatives in them so if you ask me she deserves everything she got.

But I couldn't just stab her with a knife and end it because If I did I would get caught so I had to do some research on how I could get away with murder. It took me two months to come up with a plan to kill people in a way that the police wouldn't be able to identify their bodies.

And once I got the information I needed I got started with buying the materials and finding their location. 

I know this chapter is short but the chapters will get longer as the story progresses  

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