The Plan

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It's been a month since I killed Joe and I'd been lying to you. If I said I felt bad I mean I probably should considering the fact that I killed him but I don't feel bad whatsoever I mean the guy raped me and got what he deserved.

And after killing Joe I found myself wanting more , I wanted to get more revenge on the people that have done me wrong and I knew exactly who I was going to get it on next and that was my ex boyfriend named Tyler Jack.

I wanted to get him back for taking my virginity and then cheating on me with my best friend Jessica well ex best friend I mean come on I'm not that stupid to only blame Tyler and not my so called best friend as well which is why I was going to kill her too and it just so happens that their married now which will make killing them so much easier and my plan so much funnier to make. And after only 10 minutes I came up with the perfect plan. The plan went a little like this.

I was going to seduce Tyler and I knew he'd fall for it because he's a cheating bastard and a leopard doesn't change their spots. I was then going to call Jesscia telling her how I missed her for all these years and that we should hangout. After that I'd invite Tyler to my house and tell him how I missed him and his body.

I was then going to call Jessica and tell her to come over to my house for a girls day and that I'd leave the door open and she can just walk in but I'd tell her not to tell Tyler because we still aren't on good terms. She would then walk in on me and Tyler having sex and while she starts screaming at him I'll hit him over the head with a vase and well the rest of the plan is a supprise  for later.

I know this chapter is short but I wanted the next chapter to be gonna  new page because it's gonna be a good chapter 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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