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THE SILENCE AMONG THE GROUP made an uncomfortable atmosphere as the six were typically always rowdy and loved to goof off with each other. however news of a death in their rather peaceful town shook each one of them down to their core. no one knew what to say in the situation as their minds were consumed by the worst scenarios, forcing them to hold onto each other a little tighter than usual.

"so what now?" SEOLHEE speaks up.

ISEUL turns to the younger girl and a sad smile forms, "we all just need to be careful so no more walking around late at night anymore, and we should only go out if necessary. well at least for the next couple of days."

"we all need to lay low for now," HYUNJIN let's out a huff of stress, "with this everyone is gonna be on edge, so it's best if we just don't do anything to make people watch us more than usual."

KIRAN places her arms over HYUNJIN's which were placed around her waist, "you should always have someone with you, SEOLHEE, whoever it was snuck into your home after all."

HYUNJOON slings his arm onto ISEUL's shoulders and tries his best to smile wide, "let's stop talking about this for now, it's tiring to hear about. did you guys choose a movie yet."

"knowing them, they did not." DONGHYUCK answers for the girls as he slowly drags himself and SEOLHEE towards the couch.

"let's find one now then, shall we?" ISEUL walks over to sit next to SEOLHEE and grabs the remote for the T.V.

KIRAN and HYUNJIN say nothing but take a seat on the couch which was next to, yet separate from the other. the six scroll through netflix in an attempt to find a movie to take their mind off of the thing weighing down on them; however, it was clear that nothing would take their thoughts away from the idea that there is an unknown murderer hiding amongst the town's people.


"KIRAN," MISS MOON, the owner of the flower shop, calls out the girl's name, "you can go home and rest, since not many people will be out due to the news."

KIRAN nods, trying her best to be as collected as possible, "you should close the doors then, MISS MOON, you don't know who's roaming the streets."

MISS MOON smiles at KIRAN before shooing the girl out of the shop after she collected her things. once out of the store, she notices ISEUL in the window of the coffee shop a couple stores down from the flower shop. without a second thought, KIRAN makes her way to the coffee shop and goes in to order herself a vanilla latte. once she got her order, she takes a seat next to ISEUL who was staring out of the window, not particularly looking at anything.

"stressed?" KIRAN takes a sip of her drink as she pulls her phone out to read over news articles.

ISEUL does not move as she answers her best friend, "you're off of work early."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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