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You woke up with the sound of a loud thud from outside your bedroom.

Hastily getting up, you obviously assumed that someone had broke into your apartment.

But really, how the hell were they able to get in? You're literally on the seventh floor..

No more thinking on how they could possibly get in.

You grabbed the nearest thing that looked like it could knock someone out.. The heavy ass dictionary book that you randomly have. You're surprised you haven't got ridden of it yet.

Who could've known that it would be so convenient at a time like this?

Every time your foot hit the floor, you tried your best to make it as quiet as possible. Holding onto the large book with both of your hands, peeking your head through the bedroom doorframe.

You clearly left it closed, so why the hell is it open??

You saw a figure pass by the small hallway that led to both the kitchen and living room, they were obviously heading to the living room.

Each quiet step you tried to make, you just begged for the floorboards under your feet to not creak or anything at all. The last thing you want happening was you getting murdered.

Making it to the end of the hallway, you peeked your head slightly over the corner, your eyes scanning to see if the person was just looking through stuff, obviously stealing your things.

Only to see that no one was there.

"What the fuck..?"

"What happened?"


You threw the book at whoever the hell was behind you, backing up instantly and dashing your way back into your bedroom.

Only for you to trip.. Well isn't that ironic?

Whining a little in pain, you rubbed your knee before hastily getting up again, running to your bedroom and closing the door shut.

You locked it instantly, before searching for your phone to call the police or at least something that'll protect you in some way.

"What are you doing?"

Whipping your head back, you were greeted with a guy just sitting on the floor, a few feet away from you.

"WHAT THE HELL!" You yelled in terror, just grabbing the nearest things and beginning to throw it at him without even thinking.


You threw a pillow at him, picking up the vase that was on your desk, about to throw it at him next.. Although, all you could do was stare in complete shock.

It went right through him.

The fucking pillow went right through him.

What the fuck is going on here??

"Are you.. A ghost..? No.. I'm dreaming, I have to be." You muttered, placing the vase back down onto your desk before collapsing to your knees.

"You're not dreaming.. Remember how you tripped earlier?" He told you, instantly making you remember the sudden pain that lasted only a minute or two.

"Oh my god.. This apartment is haunted.." You placed your hands over your face, still not believing the face that you're talking to a freaking ghost right now.

"Hey-- I'm not a mean ghost! I'm just.. A very nice one. I'm a really nice person, I swear!" He spoke, you removed your hands from your face as you quickly got yourself up on your knees, turning your desk lamp on for some light in your pitch-dark room.

"Really? Then why the hell are you sneaking around in my apartment?? Go haunt someone else!"

"Well.. I've been here for a while! Everyone always leaves after a few weeks or a month, but now you're the person that I get to see everyday from now on. As long as you don't move out.." He explained, as you tried your best to see things from his point of view.

Well, he is a ghost after all. Plus, you wouldn't know what type of things ghosts do in their free time.

"Wait. So you've seen me change and shower?" You questioned, your head turning to him as he quickly shook his head, making an 'x' with his arms.

"HUH?? NO!!"

"I would never do that!"

"Then what have you been doing..?"

"Well.. Mostly following you around, just seeing what you've been up to and stuff. But whenever you use the bathroom, or even changing and stuff like that, I don't go into the same room you're in! I just wait outside."

"How come I can see you during nighttime?"

"That's only because I can choose if I want to be seen or not."

"So.. Huh??"

"I can choose if I want to be seen or not! That's why you can see me right now, because I chose to show myself right now."

"Then why.. How come you don't show yourself in the morning?"

"I don't want to suddenly freak you out or something.. That's why I only show myself when you're asleep!"

"..Did you open my bedroom door??"

"Huh? No. But before you crashed onto your bed, you didn't close it. I saw it myself!"

"What about.. The noises?"

"What noises?"

"The three snaps! And the thud I heard.. That woke me up.."

"Oh, did it? Sorry.. I saw a cabinet that wasn't closed properly cause of a pot that you put in there. The handle was sticking out!"

"Also, for the snapping.. I have to do that daily."


"So I'm able to do some things that not all ghosts can do. Sort of like a secret power, but for ghosts!"

"What's the power?"

"The ability to be able to touch things.. Cause, you know.. I'm a ghost, and things usually just go through me. Though, if I snap just three times a day, I'm making that ability stronger, and I'll be able to touch certain things for a longer time. The longest I can currently do is thirty seconds!"

First having the ability to be invisible, having things go through him, and now being able to touch things for a certain amount of time? This ghost really is quite weird.

"Oh, look at the time! We've been talking for quite a while.."

"I still have more questions, though."

"You can ask me tomorrow! During your breakfast. Your rest is important after all."


"Then, I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Good night.."

"Good night, (Y/n)!"

𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑶𝒀ー𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐇𝐍Where stories live. Discover now