Dangerously Yours part 1

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Summary: You had loved him, ever since you were transferred to a new team together. So when you found out his love for another, you could not bear the torturous feeling of being alone.

König, it would always be him. You found comfort in his presence, his voice soothing your ears, his smile warming your heart, you were utterly and foolishly in love. This would be your last mission before the team finally gets a break from work, König was always your partner in crime, you two had always been paired ever since you joined the task force, you were an excellent sniper and a brilliant shooter overall as he was better at close and hand to hand combat. Your earphones plugged in and too loud to hear Ghost yelling at you from the entrance of the training room, his shadow finally caught your attention. "We leave in 5, gear up" you nod and follow him out. You see König cleaning his gun, he looks up at you getting ready beside him. "Wolke" "König"

Wolke, Cloud

A nice and simple code name given to you by Soap, he stated because snipers "Rain hell from above" you could've thought of several better nicknames, but as soon as Ghost started addressing you as Cloud it was set in stone. Your task was to save a couple of civilians taken as hostages in a building. As soon as the hostages were identified, König's behaviour changed, something in his eyes had darkened, his demeanour growing cold. To kill enemies for the sake of a mission you had to turn off your emotions, you understood that, but this was different, König looked as if he would massacre this whole squad as if it were the rival team holding the hostages. You had never seen him this determined to kill an enemy, you were concerned and a bit scared, with König's size and skill he could easily kill you. You landed on the rooftop of a building opposite to the one your team was infiltrating. You lie down, checking your scope for good aim and wait for Ghost's call. 4 armed men and 6 hostages, after a few minutes you see Soap and König engage, Soap shoots one and knifes the other. König guts the third one with his dagger, the fourth attacks him from behind, he struggles for a while. "Cloud take the shot!" Ghost yells at you over the comms, but you couldn't get a clear hit, you didn't want to hit König. Your heart racing, you had to decide whose life you'd take. "I can't get a clear shot!" your hands now sweating immensely. "Welpe (Pup), breathe, calm down and take the shot." Even in a predicament like this he calls you that stupid nickname in a sickly calm voice. You take a breath and calm your heartbeat, as soon as the man is kicked off by König you shoot him. A breath of relief from you, König and Ghost, "Nice shot Cloud. Soap, König, secure the hostages. We're outta here" As you're ready to leave your position to meet with the others you spot König, and your eyes drift to a woman running up to him. The slight smile on your face immediately swiped off, she hugs him so lovingly, and he reciprocates. Your eyes widen in shock and you freeze, your face goes cold as you see her lift his mask up only past his lips to give him a sweet kiss. Your gun slips through your fingertips, your mind racing, unable to think clearly, you're stuck in that position until Nikolai calls out to you. "Lad, we're out of here!" You reluctantly climb up and take a seat, still in shock and unable to focus. You all meet at the entrance of the building, the small lady now clinging onto his arm, you grimaced. She wasn't ugly, she was far from ugly and that's why you hated her. Her beautiful soft, glowing skin while yours were littered with scars, her small and dainty hands, yours were rough. Her delicate figure in a pretty red dress as you stood in full gear and camo green trousers, her red shiny heels that match her dress, your combat boots that would have a new person's blood stain it every day. Of course, of fucking course, you knew it wouldn't be you, it would never be you. Every man wants a small woman, a princess to protect. Not a war machine, a woman who would kill anyone if it were demanded of her. So why, in whatever world, would he ever choose you? And why, why did it hurt so damn much?

(OUCH, this was a short one IDK IF I SHOULD MAKE MORE)

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