GoW|Close my eyes, fantasize {DONE}

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the fic was actually supposed to include the Ghost of Sparta(!)Kratos... oops

uhm. that escalated quickly lol. sorry about that. some scenes either drag out or are too short w little to no detail. I'll try to improve

"Father?" the boy bleats, his voice cracking, "Please," he begs, "wait for me!" Don't leave me alone!

"You promised!" he shrieks.


"Would you be happier if you were here with mother instead?" As soon as the words are out of his mouth, Atreus can feel the heat coming off of his father become scorching, can hear the creaking of leather as Kratos's body tenses. They had been sharing memories about his mother when Kratos began to open up about times before Atreus.

His father is slow to rise. Atreus knows his father wouldn't hurt him, but that paired with his height makes him much more frightening.

"Now lad," Mimir tries to break the tension, ever the peacemaker.

"I," his father begins, the gravel in his voice shreds Atreus to pieces. "will not ever answer such questions. And you will not ask me to again." It was nothing short of a command, and Atreus wouldn't pretend it was.

That doesn't mean he will listen. "Do you love me less than mother?"

"Atreus," the god warns. Atreus is tired of listening to gods.

"Do you wish we could switch places? Would you love me if I was the one who was gone?" Atreus bawls out, barely taking a breath. And Kratos is stomping toward his son. Atreus and Mimir shake and tremble, with the ground, like falling leaves.

The earth continues to move as Kratos falls, as hard as a felled tree would, to his knees in front of his son. They stare into each other's eyes and Atreus only notices the warbled, horribly kept in, sobs escaping his shredded lips as the warm streams falling down his cheeks start to freeze and make his already frost-nipped face feel even sharper.

Kratos cradles his son's face in hands that dwarf the head he gently holds. The god brings his head forward to press his forehead to his son's.

"I would not wish you dead, Atreus. You are my son."

"But you miss her, don't you? You want to be with her? Would you-" the boy is forced to take a deep breath when a big sob forces its way out of his throat and past his lips. He almost chokes on it, would've if the hand rubbing his back wasn't there. "would you leave me for her?"

"I will not leave you, Atreus. The day you no longer see me will be on your terms."

"Don't lie to me," Atreus manages to growl out, anger taking the crippling sense of inadequacy's place. "Don't lie!" he shouts. He can't help it. The sobs and chills mixed with the tingling atop and under his skin, making him feel even more sensitive.

Atreus twists and turns, trying to escape his father's grip. The god's hold only lets up after Atreus gets his arm stuck into an awkward position. The boy slips away while holding his elbow close. He has a scowl etched onto his face, his bottom lip still trembling.

The harsh breaths only make Kratos want to cradle him more. "I would never lie to you, Atreus. Trust me."

"No!" He screams, "You're lying, I can hear it!"

"Hear?" Kratos parrots, his hackles rising. He glances at Mimir but sees his lips completely shut, "Atreus, what do you hear? "

The boy holds his hands to his ears and squeezes until his knuckles turn white from the pressure. "Shut up," he whimpers to no one. Kratos snatches one of the boy's hands away from his ears. He's surprised when Atreus screams like the touch scalds him. Kratos tightens his hold with a shake and a yell of his son's name. Atreus's flailing intensifies.

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