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It's been six years since the Sully family sought refuge with the Metkayina. It didn't take long for the Colonel to find them hiding among the reefs.

It happened the third year. The sky people attacked and many Na'vi lives were lost. Neteyam's, nearly included.

Two bullets almost claimed his life that day. The memories haunted him and his nightmares never allowed him to forget. He thought he'd never see his family again. It was the scariest moments of his life. Just before he passed out, he thought he'd never see...


Neteyam shot up from his sleep. All he could hear was his heart beating loud in his chest. He looked around frantically, hand on his blade, ready to attack. When he met his sister's horror-filled eyes, he calmed.


"No. I'm sorry," Kiri said, gently placing her hand over his.

"You were crying in your sleep. I just couldn't watch--"

"Just nightmares, is all," Neteyam shrugged. He touched his face before looking at his fingers which were now coated with his tears.

Now that his heartbeat had slowed, he could hear the calm waves beyond their camp. He took a quick look around the cave. The other members of their family were still asleep. However, their mother was starting to stir. He looked to Kiri before standing.

"I'm going to get some fresh air," he said and grabbed his bow and arrows. He made a silent call to his ilu and headed toward the cave's exit.

Neteyam didn't dare to look back. He knew he didn't have to hide or pretend in front of Kiri. It's just that he wasn't accustomed to showing...weakness? Vulnerability? And now was not the time to be this way.

It was still deep into the night when Neteyam motioned to the two Metkayina on watch at the cave's entrance.

"Careful, Sully boy."

Neteyam only nodded. He can do careful.

When the Colonel returned three years ago, it was a surprise to them all. His father sworn he'd killed the demon himself but on that day, the sea burned and nothing was ever the same. The demon had returned.

Thousands of islands burned, many Na'vi along with it. If it wasn't for Kiri's unusual power, the sky people may have never retreated. It was a mystery at large, one both his mother and Ronal were still trying to solve. His grandmother would have answers, he'd thought.

The surviving tribes went into hiding at first. Some scattered to unmarked islands in the south while others hid in nearby reef caves. It didn't take long for his father and Tonowari to unite and rally the tribes to fight against the sky people.

Three years, they've been fighting. To Neteyam, true victory seemed impossible. He was beginning to lose hope.

Neteyam looked up at the stars. All he could think of was how much he wanted to fly. If only he could take his ikran out for a ride. Eywa knows he wasn't the only one who needed to stretch his wings.

He made his way to Awa'atlu, towards his family's old marui. He hopped off his ilu before climbing onto a nearby rock. The ilu swam in a circle and waited for his signal before it drifted away to the shore.

The village was an empty shell. No one was allowed to return but Neteyam wasn't a child anymore and it was the only place he could hide, alone and away from everyone. The silence gave him peace. No one would find him or bother him here.

"Hi, forest boy."

Well, no one except for this Metkayina.

Neteyam didn't need to turn around to see who it was. He can recognize that scent anywhere.

Whispers Through the Water (Neteyam x Aonung)Where stories live. Discover now