forgotten - III

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It was already quarter to three when niragi and chishiya made it up the rooftop. Chishiya settled on the edge of the roof while niragi went behind the small wall where the door to the rooftop was, he went and pushed a thin block on the very far corner that reveals a secret compartment, inside was a box of biscuits, powdered drinks, bottled water, mats, a few cigarettes and a gun with a box of ammo. He took two biscuits and a water bottle for them to share.

It was a morning routine, now. For them to go out before sunrise and watch it together. A little something to give to themselves, someting to remind them of freedom and beauty.

It's not as beautiful when there's someone else with them, someone spoiling their precious moment together. They both noticed this, ofcourse. That's why they did that thing before.


It was two in the morning and they just finished, they lay in bed panting until they heard a quite thump outside, they held their breaths. Quietly niragi stood up and went to the door, slowly he turned the handle and pulled the door to form a small gap. Outside he saw someone, just glimpse of dark green hair, but niragi knew only one asshole who had that hair. Closing the door he turned around and let out an annoyed huff as he stared at a tired chishiya.

"What is it?" Chishiya asked as he tilted his head to the side. "It's that asshole who keeps acting like your Knight in shining armor," niragi rolled his eyes, "fuck! Can't he just mind his own business!?"
"He can't, i guess." Chishiya shrugged.
Niragi huffed again and sat on the corner of the bed. "Can't we just kill him?" Niragi tried, "no. What'll we say to the other executives." Chishiya stated. "They'll take our side." Niragi tried again, this time he was just straight out whining. "You know, when we get caught for killing him we have to go through the trouble on explaining why the hell do we keep going to each other's room...or why we keep dragging eachother everywhere." Chishiya said, but in reality he just didn't want to waste his time trying to kill an asshole.
Niragi groaned. But then, as if a visible light bulb went up chishiya's head both the boys knew the blond one had an idea. Truly, chishiya felt bad that he started a new problem between them, he didn't know talking with someone could lead to him getting a new stalker; so just to lift up his lover's spirit he decided on an idea, "how 'bout we show him who's my real knight and shining armor?" He said smugly, and niragi smirked, slowly, like a predator he crawled towards chishiya and leaned his face not even an inch away from chishiya's face. "Mm..and how would we do that, Shuntaro?" Niragi said lowly as he grazed his nose against the other's collarbone. "Follow me.." chishiya mumbled as he stumbled out of the bed and just before he went out the door he gave the other the most seductive look he could manage and with just that niragi immediately stood up and follow chishiya.


"Fuck it. I can just talk to him later.. ask him to stop." Chishiya murmured.  "Yeah.. I guess so, i mean how could that dumbass not get the idea?" Niragi said, annoyed. Chishiya only sighed as he stood up and stood on the ledge, taking in the cold morning breeze. "Atleast the heat is gone.. it was literally like hell here." Niragi said, "yeah..."

At the small gap of the door to the stairs Rin stared at them with anger. He thought the gangster was really about to push the other of the ledge, from there he could only see a tired looking blondie who stood on the ledge probably accepting death; his fist clenched. "I'll save you soon chishiya...just wait." He muttered.

It was already eight o'clock when the two boys decided to leave the roof and walk around the beach, passing by a few executive once in a while, and also passing by weird looks in which niragi returned with a glare. Finally, they came across the exact person they wanted to talk to —or rather, they wanted to get off their backs. "Rin." Chishiya called out, and as the other boy was shocked to be called out he lifted his head with hesitation, in fear of getting found out. "Why?" Rin said, smiling brightly. "I need to talk to you." And before the green haired boy agreed he eyed the gangster up and down for any sign of danger, he found alot but figured he won't get attacked. "Alright." And all of them walked near the pool where no one was, probably tired from the party that ended only a few hours before. "So?" Rin asked after all of them sat down on beach chairs. "I'm gonna get straight to the point. Stop following me." Chishiya demanded. "What?" Rin nervously asked, "I dont know what you mean." He tried. "I've noticed you following me everywhere. I even saw you outside our room this morning."
"Ok. Fine! But I'm only doing it to help you! I know he's been balackmailing you, and you don't have to be scared about it just let me help you!" Rin screamed. "Hah?!" Niragi spoke up, "blackmail?! Where'd you get that idea?!" Niragi was now standing up, pointing his gun at the other. "What? You think I'm actually stupid enough to believe a gangster like you would have healthy relationship with someone like chishiya!?" Rin screamed, obviously holding no fear against the gun that pointed directly to his head. "Oh is that so?! Think i can't fuck chishiya without blackmail?!" Niragi laughed, "YES! Exactly!" Rin said with a red fuming face. "Stop." Chishiya said, ended. "Just mind your own business, Rin." Chishiya said as he placed his hand on niragis' gun and lowered it. "But-" rin said but was stopped by chishiya. "Just shut up, alright? Stop acting like a prince, when you're just a pathetic man desperate for praise." Chishiya said in his usual monotone voice. Niragi couldn't be any happier, he held a wide smirk as he stared down the other man. And the said man was furious, and frustrated. Still, he can't believe it, he was so sure, "Is this part of your deal? Of the blackmail? Is he threatening your life? Is it nudes? Because trust me, there's nothing to be ashamed of-"
"You think i need his nudes? I see him bare every day and if i do have it i have no intention of showing it to anyone else!" Niragi screamed. To this Rin gave up, frustrated and in denial. He walked away. "Hey Rin!" Niragi called just after he looked around to see if anybody was there, nobody, luckily. Rin turned around and was met with a grinning niragi who turned to grab chishiyas' jacket and slammed his lips against the other, they showed their tongue slipping against eachother and let their moans, and groans be heard, they continued until Rin left, red faced.

It was twelve o'clock when they decided to go to the office where the executives usually ate meals and discussed random stuff. Once they entered everyone had their eyes on them. Nothing unusual because they never went, but this time they had a look that means they wanted to say something. Silently they took their seat which was infront of eachother, they smiled when they looked at eachother, getting reminded of how they met. They ate silently until niragi had enough of the eyes boring at them. Dropping his utensils loudly on his plate he coughed to gather attention —as if he needed to gather their attention anynore than he already has. 

"Well? What is it?"

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