Chapter 17:Mary Eunice

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"Hello Miss Taylor, how are you doing?" I glanced at her, running my eyes down her long thin body, taking in her sharp voice. Her voice sounded familiar somehow. Like if you hear someone calling your name, you just can't figure out who it is. I know I had heard her voice in my trip here, but I don't recall seeing her. My mouth hung a crack open, barely a slit. My eyes squinted as if I was looking at a bright light. I looked at her harder, trying to remember if maybe I caught a glimpse of her while in the building, but nothing. I couldn't remember until she spoke again. "Miss Taylor, are you alright?" Then I realized something. She had balls of sweat beading up on her forehead, and was slightly out of breath. "Umm yeah, I'm fine. Did you just get back from a walk or something?" She chuckled a small chuckle. "No, no. I was just walking through the halls, and I got lost as all." My eyes narrowed even more. "So, did you see anyone on the way?" She looked at me confused. "Why yes. How did you know? I found a lady trying to break into a old cell. I don't know who she was." My jaw fell open after I heard this. "That was me!" She looked at me, and began to laugh. "Oh, really? Silly me. I'm sorry Mia." I let the air I was holding in my mouth come free from my body. Thank god she's not mad. I looked down at my watch, which read "8:58"
"Oh goodness. I must be leaving now." She smiled a nice smile. "Well, alright then. It was great to see you and I know that Sister Jude was happy to see you too." I flashed her a quick smile and walked out the door. I begin to walk down the long, dark, murky hallway. Then I remembered. I promised Kit I would ask about his release! I turned around fast and ran towards the door. As my shivering body approached the door, I heard quiet footsteps coming up behind me. I began to run the opposite direction, but it felt like I was staying in the same place. Suddenly, my body went numb. I couldn't move, a piercing buzz echoing throughout the hallway. My eyes burned, it felt like someone was about to gouge them out. Before I knew it, I passed out.
I awoke to find myself in a relatively large room, designed so that there were at least 20 open vents all around me. It looked somewhat like a trap, but I couldn't wrap my mind around where I could possibly be located. I didn't remember there being a area with vents all around the room in Briarcliff. But then again, there are many things that I didn't suspect to possibly be located at Briarcliff. The ceilings were very low, about 4 feet, which meant my back had to be in an arch position. There was a dim light hanging directly above my head, and I still felt extremely light headed. I tried taking in my surroundings, noticing every detail, trying to figure out anything about this room. I didn't notice anything specific, except one thing. At the end of one of the vents came a dim light, and I could slightly make out a door. I tried to crawl forward, but I realized that my hands were chained down to the floor. Somehow I hadn't noticed at first. My claustrophobia began to set in, and I began to panic, even though the room was quite big. "Help! Help me please!" Suddenly, I heard something behind me. I swung around and I saw her.
I'm sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger! I still have a bad writers block but im getting better! Who do u think is behind Mia?

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