Chapter 23: Spilt Milk

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~3 weeks later~
"Zachary! Get your little butt down here!" I yelled from down the stairs. "Hold on mama!" I let a sigh, which came out more rough than I intended. I turned my head back to my 600 dollar table, and once again saw the little mug laying down on its side, and milk spilled out all over the table, spreading out more and more, creating a milk waterfall off the side of the table. "Zachary!" I yelled louder this time. "Get down here NOW!" I do try my best not to yell at my kids, I try to take a more mature route, but sometimes they just get on my last nerve. "Fine mama." He came down the stairs slowly, I could hear his Sunday school shoes clacking hard agains the stairs. This started to remind me of Oliver, but I pushed it to the back of my mind. When his little pale body rounded the corner of my cabinet, he looked into my eyes, which takes a lot for his little round head to do, since he got my height. As soon as I looked into his extremely wide, beautiful brown eyes, I knew that he was lying. Zachary is a really bad liar. When he lies, he does puppy dog eyes, he scrunches up his eyebrows, he flares his nostrils, scrunches up his lips into a kissy face, and breathes loudly through his nose. (A/N My sister actually does this, so I wasn't making it up as I go! Comment how you can tell when someone you know is lying!) "I didn't do it mama!" He practically yelled while using all his "symptoms." I gave his a "really" look and he started breathing through his nose. "Mama, you can't prove it was me!" His voice became super high and squeaky, like if you rubbed two rubber balloons together. As I stepped over to the table, I could hear him breathing heavily from 10 FEET away. 10 FEET! I slowly picked up the mug, hoping that I wouldn't get any milk on me. "Then why does this cup say your name on it?" Suddenly he burst into laughter. "Fine mama, it was MEEEEEEEE" he squealed while running over to me and holding on to my right leg, it was obvious he was trying to soften the blow. I was going to yell at him for lying, but I was tired and I thought I'd let him have it easy. "Okay, I'm upset that you lied to me, but all I'm asking you to do is clean this big mess up," I said, gesturing to the milky mess on my GRANITE table, as I feared that it would be stained, considering it lingered for about half an hour. As I left the room, I heard the large red front door open slowly, hearing the loud annoying squeaking. I just automatically walked up to the door, and pulled it open, and I let out a big gasp. "OH MY GOODNESS!"
Oh my god guys I completely forgot about my story😂 I'm soooo sorry for not updating in gonna try to update more now. Ly guysss💘

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