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Note: It's a time gap between the Baraju planet incident and before issue 23 happen where Boboiboy trains with Tok Kasa at Quabaq.




"Go Taufan. We believe in your power." Halilintar said to his partner.

"But you know what happens to Windara before right? I lost control!!!" Taufan almost shouts at Halilintar.

"So what? If you don't try now, you don't know!" Halilintar answered back.

"Hali is true. Try it Taufan. I'm sure you can control your third tier." Gempa told him.

"Yes. I believe you can control Beliung just fine. Besides, if you are about to lose control, we are here don't we?" Duri said as he comfort Taufan as he putting his hand around Taufan's shoulder.

"I..." Taufan hesitated.

"What happens to Baraju before..." He couldn't bring himself to continue.

"You wouldn't. Besides we are still near each other." Solar encourages.

"Yeah. You're not us." Ais whisper.

Only one element remains quiet who slowly turns his back and moves a bit far from all of them. It's Blaze. Ais notice but he knows Blaze needs time. So he doesn't go after him. While there's another element that noticed Blaze absent.

"Nah. Even if any of us lost control, we will still have each other back." Duri said as he was still at Taufan's side making Taufan feel at ease with his comfort aura.

"Duri is right. Come on! Change already." Halilintar said as pull Taufan from Duri which annoyed Taufan.

"I know, I know. Don't pull me!" Taufan scold. Not long after Taufan starts to activate his third tier.

"Okay, Taufan. We will be here to watch what you lack. Don't be scared." Solar already pulls out his notes which everyone never knows where he gets it. But it's Solar after all.

"I'm counting on you, Solar," Gempa said to Solar who nod. He knows well his job of collecting the data for everyone.

"Now Taufan," Gempa said.

"Alright! Boboiboy...Beliung." Taufan change.




"I'm gonna check over Blaze if you're worried about him." Duri suddenly appears beside Ais startling him a bit as others pay attention to Beliung.

"Are you okay?" Duri asks while putting his hand on Ais's shoulder.

"I...of course," Ais said.

"Ais. You know it's not your fault. So, stop blaming yourself okay?" Duri told him.

"But if it's not me who refuses to fuse back, Blaze wouldn't lose control like that. And Blaze wouldn't remember our past." Ais whispers sadly while looking down.

"But you guys still found yourself back right? That's all matter." Duri reply softly.

"It's all thanks to Fang," Ais said as he still looking down.

"Ais, it was never anyone's fault. Don't beat yourself on this." Duri told him.

"I... I will try." Ais said as he feels ease at Duri's comfort words.

"Good. That's my Ais." Duri cheerfully said while hugging Ais which Ais accept.

"Hmm, how come it's you who comfort us? Isn't Gempa suit this role more?" Ais suddenly said as Duri finally release the hug.

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