Giving In

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It all made sense. Everything that seemed so confusing now seemed terrifying. I was terrified of Colette. I was terrified of Shay. They weren't my parents. They stole me from my family.

My name is Elway Stenton. Everything I thought about Elway, every interaction I had with him, every interaction other people had with him, was all imaginary. Elway is me. My entire friendship with Elway was a message to... Me. If I hadn't met "Elway" I would have never discovered my family's twisted secret. That's why Elway disappeared when I discovered the boy in the article. My imaginary guide did what he needed. He found me. He is me. I felt trapped in this house. I felt like everything I do is a lie. My family is still looking for me. I missed twelve years with them. Colette opened my door.

"Hey bud, how ya doing?" She asked.

I tried to act normal. "Good. Do you think I can go for a bike ride?" I asked.

"I don't see why not." She said. "I love you." She smiled. It looked like a menacing smile now that I knew what she did.

I was torn. I sat on my bike at the edge of the road. I love Emmi, Avia, Gavin, Brock, Daxton, and Taylor. I love them like they are my siblings. I know their not, that's why Colette had their birth certificates. I will always love them, for all they know, I'm still their brother.
I'm not. I wanted to run, I wanted to go straight to my family. But my 'siblings' are my family. Colette and Shay are not. I felt like an idiot for not realizing it. I look nothing like them, they don't care about me like a true mother and father. If I could, I would take all my siblings with me to my family. I didn't care that Shay and Colette are their parents, they are monsters. They are criminals, kidnappers.

No matter how much I loved my siblings, and I will always call them my siblings, whether they are blood related or not, I can't live under this lie. My family is aching for me, they never gave up on me, they are still searching for me. I had to leave.

I rode my bike back to Shay and Colette's house, I couldn't bike to the police station. I sat outside the house and pulled out my phone and dialed the police. I bet they aren't expecting to hear from Elway, who they probably assumed is dead. I'm not dead.

"Pocatello Police. What's your emergency?"

"My name is B- my name is Elway. I'm Elway Stenton. I went missing 12 years ago."

There was silence.

"Is this some joke? Kidnapping is not a joke, kid."

"My name is Elway Stenton, I was born on June 10, 2010. My parents are Stephanie and Fransisco Stenton. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I am 12."

"What going on, kid? Pranking the police is a serious issue."

"I'm not pranking anyone. For twelve years I was oblivious to everything about my family. I recently discovered some strange information, I did some research, and my picture as a baby is on the missing persons website. Please come get me. I'm scared." I said in a hushed tone.

"I'll send an officer there, but I swear to God, if this is a prank, I will not hesitate to bring in charges." The dispatcher said.

"Thank you. I live at (address). Can I ask a favor?"


"I am willing to wait, but if you can have Stephanie and Fransisco come, I would be really happy."

"I can't do that, officers only." The dispatcher stated.

"Ok. Please be quick then, I don't feel safe." I whispered. I heard footsteps. "Bye." I slid my phone back into my pocket.

"What's up Brock?" It was Emmi.

"Emmi." I gulped. "I..." I chickened out. "I am going for a bike ride." I couldn't tell her.

"Oh... Kay..." She sounded weirded out. "Go for it..."

I picked up my bike and rode up and down the driveway, waiting for the police to come. It must have been ten minutes later when I finally saw a black car pull up the driveway.

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