Don't call me Raiden. Please. (Please.)

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Hi ! So basically this is a highschool Chiscara fic, :)
"Mr. Kusanali" is Scaramouche's surname this fic, with Kunikuzushi as his real name, lots of other stuff will be explained later on, like why he's called Kusanali instead of Raiden! Also instead of it being Nahida/Buer, it is Rukkhadevata! Warning for descriptions of fighting and blood, I will always add warnings if needed.

He didn't know how it got to this. His hands were bloody and bruised. He had a few scratches on his face and several other places. He acted out of anger and started punching the guy who was currently groaning in pain on the ground. The guy on the floor was Tartaglia, he thought, as he heard some girls shouting his name. "EVERYONE GET BACK TO THEIR CLASSES!" He heard one of the teachers shout. "Mr. Kusanali! Just what do you think you are doing!?" The teacher said before quickly going to the guy on the floor to check his injuries. "Hmmph...rude.." the guy mumbled.

"Mr. Tartaglia, get up," she looked at the side, to a girl with pink hair tied up in a high ponytail. She was wearing the school uniform with a pastel cardigan on top. He looked at her name tag. Sangonomiya Kokomi, it read. "Ms. Sangonomiya, please escort Tartaglia to the clinic." Kokomi nodded before taking Tartaglia's hand and helping him up, holding his arm with her hand to support his body so he could walk properly. She then proceeded to walk away in the direction of the school clinic.

"And you, come with me." She said sternly, not even bothering to check my own bruises. I stayed silent as I was dragged towards the guidance counselors office. The trip to the guidance counselor office was a blur. All he knew was the teacher was scolding him the whole time. Once they arrived he could immediately hear the dialing of numbers. They were calling his adoptive parent, Rukkhadevata Kusanali. He could hear her slightly muffled voice on the phone, apologizing for what he had done and that she was coming over to pick him up. "Mr. Kusanali, why did you attack Ajax?" The counselor asked. He stayed silent, not wanting to discuss what had happened.

"Kunikuzushi Kusanali!" The ginger shouted. "Or should I say Kunikuzushi Raiden?" He teased. Him and Ajax had been enemies since they've met. They've had several cases wherein they'd broke out in a fight. It would always be because they were trash talking about the other, however the real reason and the first reason they'd fought was because Kunikuzushi had started teasing him about some rumors about him beating up someone in his family due to some problem about Ajax being too aggressive. Which ended up rubbing him in the wrong spot. And everyday since then they had been at each others throat, picking on each other. But never had it become this violent. The reason why he was so upset about being called Raiden was because that was his actual surname. He wasn't sure why but as a kid, he was taken away from his real family. He couldn't remember anything much from his childhood before he was adopted by Rukkhadevata. She is a very kind lady, petite with long, white hair fading into a light green. She had beautiful emerald eyes. He does not know about his real family. He doesn't want to, anyways. It must have been terrible if he couldn't even remember a single bit from before Rukkhadevata, he thought.

He bit his lip. "I.. attacked him because of a personal problem." I admitted, silently hoping they wouldn't ask what the "personal problem" was. At that, a knock was heard. He whipped his head, thinking it was Rukkhadevata. It wasn't. It was that stupid gingers parents and the ginger himself. Rukkhadevata was caught up in traffic, apparently. Tartaglia's parents looked at me with a slightly sour expression. It was alright, though. Its a shock that after all these years of him and Tartaglia bullying each other neither of their parents held much sourness against each other. Rukkhadevata was too kind. She never once seemed angry or upset. She was always kind and gentle. "We are sorry about Tartaglia's..actions." His father apologized. His mother nodded.

Another knock was heard. "Excuse me, I am sorry for being late." A gentle voice was heard. Rukkhadevata had finally arrived. "It's alright, Ms. Rukkhadevata." That was the last he heard before he shut out the conversation entirely. All he could hear was a white noise as he stood there, Rukkhadevata, the counselor, the teacher, and Tartaglia's parents conversing about punishments or whatever. In the past it was usually just some counseling sessions or suspensions. And he was sometimes grounded. But now.. "-from now on, Tartaglia and Kunikuzushi will be taking classes together, they will be seated together in order to get them to get along." He heard the counselor say. He wasn't even looking at Tartaglia but he just knew he was as shocked as Kunikuzushi was. "No way! I'm not sitting beside him! Just seeing him makes me throw up!" He blurted in a panic, not remembering the fact that Tartaglia's parents and Rukkhadevata were in the room. Once he remembered that, he immediately shut his mouth. Still with an angered face. Tartaglia was just as pissed.

"Wouldn't that just make it worse!? Wouldn't we just fight more?!" Tartaglia basically screamed. "Ajax!" His mother scolded. But Ajax? That wasn't a name he heard before. 'Tartaglia' quickly silenced. He looked embarrassed. Embarrassed? But..oh. Was Tartaglia just a nickname? Which meant Ajax was his real name. He kept that in mind, keeping himself from smirking. "Indeed," the counselor agreed with Ajax. "I noticed Tartaglia has started to fail in some classes. Which is why, if he improves, you will be able to get a seat away from each other. The more you improve, then perhaps you will be able to be in entirely different classes." The counselor explained.  "Thats unfair! You can't place the outcome of Tartaglia's grades on me!" I complained. He caught a glimpse of Ajax's face. He seemed embarrassed because of the sudden mention of his grades. "Exactly, but, you did punch Tartaglia, so, as compensation you will be tutoring him to improve his grades. But, of course the outcome of his grades will depend on whether or not he is ready to listen to class." The counselor told.

Ajax was staying rather quiet. 'Idiot', he thought to himself. "Alright then," Rukkhadevata started. "I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience Kunikuzushi has caused, Miss Mikhaelha. If you wish for compensation in the form of cash I will be happy to oblige." Rukkhadevata apologized. He felt ashamed she'd have to apologize for him she would definitely force him to apologize later on though. "Ah, no need for that Miss Rukkhadevata. We too are sorry for Ajax's actions. We will be sure to keep him behaved next time." Mikhaelha said. They all collectively nodded, said their goodbyes and they all left the school grounds. It had only been the first few weeks of his college year, and he had already gone to the principals office. He scoffed. Stupid Ajax.


Ty for reading chapter 1 <3
Ajax's parents are Mikhaelha and Isakov. His siblings are Tonia, Anthon and Teucer.
Rukkhadevata is Kunikuzushi's adoptive parent. However, Kuni doesn't see her as a mom, but more like a sister who took on the role of being the mature parent-like one.
1255 words.

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