iv - the worried Valkyrie

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PENELOPE SET OFF. She had to get a dead person and how they died.

She was flying over and saw Mother Earth. She decided to video it. Then she got a clear shot.

In a flash of bronze, Gaia was swept off the hillside, snarled in the claws of a fifty-ton metal dragon.
Festus, reborn, rose into the sky on gleaming wings, spewing fire from his maw triumphantly. As he
ascended, the rider on his back got smaller and more difficult to discern, but Leo's grin was unmistakable.
'Pipes! Jason!' he shouted down. 'You coming? The fight is up here!'

Leila was making her way up the hillside when Gaia was tumbling down. She shut her eyes and was pushed out the way by a girl with a huge golden sword in her hand. Moody. She drove her weapon through Gaia's back weakening her slightly and got it out again and was crushed by Gaia.

'Poor child saving a friend. Must blame Valdez for that death.' Gaia showed a little sympathy to the demigod laying lifeless probably dead. Gaia Made her way up and Leila ran to the dead girl.

'H..hey.. Leila..' she mumbled softly. Blood on her hands and everywhere.

'Tell.. Valdez.. I..  forgive him.. and.. make sure Gaia is defeated.. okay.' she whispered. Leila's eyes filled with tears.

'I- no.. I'll get Will. Please..' Leila hugged her.

'Tell Reyna that she will... always.. be my best friend..' she murmured. A girl flew above them literally sweating wondering why this was happening.

'No..' Leila cried.

'Ave atque vale, Leila...'

'Ave atque vale. Moody..' Leila frowned.

'The dragon.. is really pretty..' Moody weakly said.

'It is.. brave one...' Leila said.

'Pretty..' she said. And she did not speak again. Her eyes slowly shut and Leila burst into tears. She weakly got up and went to fight.

Penelope swooped down and held the girl. She was covered in blood with a tattoo of her arm of a hammer and 14 lines. She was about 15. Pretty young to join. She wore Roman armor with a purple shirt underneath. She was still holding her sword which turned into a pencil.

She gulped as she swooped through Valhalla, a bunch of Valkyries and Einherji was fighting and doing things.

The girl started to struggle around and Penelope had to hold onto her. She nearly set herself on fire because of the girl. She quickly took her to a room and watched as she shot awake.

Penelope scratched her head because nobody got up this fast.

'Hey.. uhh..' Penelope was scared. She had a glare on her face.

The girl had sharp eyes which were two different colors, one was hazel and the other was a storm, stormy blue.  She had warm ivory skin which a bunch of freckles everywhere and a long scar from above her left eye down to her chin. Her was chocolate brown which curly and shaggy. It was slightly choppy and put in a low bun. She had hair clips in her hair and her armor was on covered in blood and golden blood. Her shirt was purple with SPQR in golden letters and her jeans were baggy and ripped. Her boots had spikes on the soles and sides. She was slender and athletic too. Instead of asking where she was, she turned and did a stare that could literally kill someone.

'Woah.. chill.' Penelope mumbled. The girl stood up easily even though she broke her ankle. She grabbed a backpack Penelope found for her and grabbed something. She put a bit on her ankle and ate something. Then she got up easily.

'Who. Are. You.' She hissed, she must've been raised by werewolves, wolves and Loki. Penelope let her hair down on her shoulders.

'My name is Penelope Turnip. And you are?' She asked. The girl said one thing.

'Moody.' She slowly walked off.

'Wait! I need to clean you up.' Penelope shouted. She stopped.

'I'll do it myself.' She walked back from the door and brushed her hair and cleaned her clothes. Penelope was pretty surprised when she came out. She had her hair braided and she wore a black jacket, her purple shirt and she wore her boots and baggy jeans.

'Wowww. Uhh.. come on.' Penelope took her hand but was yanked off. She heard a howl and grabbed her silver pocket knife.

'Are they werewolves?' She asked.

'No! They're simple wolves.' Penelope told her. Reluctantly, she put it back.

'I'll show you around!' Penelope decided.


MOODY SAT DOWN NEXT TO A GINGER hair girl and an African-American boy.

'Hey nice to meet you, T.J! That's Mallory.'

Moody turned to T.J.

'You remind me of Valdez.' She simply said and turned her head.

'And now, Moody.' They didn't say her last name. 'Valkyrie Vision!'

They just showed it. Greeks arriving and Gaia crushing her. Literally everyone froze and looked at her. One thing they heard her scream was just Holy Juno. They literally applauded her.

' We definitely find Moody worthy of Valhalla.'

Everyone cheered and Moody sat down.

After everything of the deaths, Mallory turned to her.

'Was it scary?'

'No. I have fought monsters since I was 2.' She shrugged.

Mallory shrugged too. Then they ate and watched deaths.

One was Odin, impressed them.

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