v - annabeth begs for help

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ANOTHER DAY. Moody was chilling when an Iris message popped up. Everyone knows she went to Valhalla now.

"Moody!" Annabeth yelled she grinned too.

'Oh hey Annabeth, what's up?' Moody asked. Annabeth looked at her.

'Meet me in Boston, help me find my cousin.' Begged Annabeth, Moody hesitated but nodded.

"Might as well fire travel?" She smirked, put her hand through the screen and disappeared leaving just fire.



The man and the girls were coming this way. The man's sandy hair grew over his collar – not like an intentional style, but like he couldn't be bothered to cut it. His baffled expression reminded me of a substitute teacher's: I know I was hit by a spit wad, but I have no idea where it came from. His smart shoes were totally wrong for a Boston winter. His socks were different shades of brown. His tie looked like it had been tied while he spun around in total darkness.

One of the girls was definitely his daughter. Her hair was just as thick and wavy, though lighter blonde. She was dressed more sensibly in snow boots, jeans and a parka, with an orange T-shirt peeking out at the neckline. Her expression was more determined, angry.

The girl next to them was not related. The girl had sharp eyes which were two different colors, one was hazel and the other was a storm, stormy blue. She had warm ivory skin which a bunch of freckles everywhere and a long scar from above her left eye down to her chin. Her was chocolate brown which curly and shaggy. It was slightly choppy and flew behind her. She had snow boots but everything else was weird. She wore ripped, baggy jeans and a ski jacket. A purple shirt was definitely behind it and she looked sleep-deprived. She gripped a sheaf of flyers like they were essays she'd been graded on unfairly.

If they was looking for him, Magnus did not want to be found. They was scary.

He didn't recognize them at all.

Father, girl and daughter stopped where the path forked. They looked around as if just now realizing they were standing in the middle of a deserted park at no-thank-you o'clock in the dead of winter.

'Unbelievable,' said the girl with blond hair. 'I want to strangle him.'

Assuming she meant Magnus, he hunkered down a little more.

Her dad sighed. 'We should probably avoid killing him. He is your uncle.'

'But two years?' the girl demanded. 'Dad, how could he not tell us for two years?'

'I can't explain Randolph's actions. I never could, Annabeth.'

'Your uncle is weird.'

'Right about that Moody.' Annabeth replied.

'– to find Magnus,' Frederick was saying. He checked his smartphone. 'Randolph is at the city shelter in the South End. He says no luck. We should try the youth shelter across the park.'

'How do we even know Magnus is alive?' Annabeth asked miserably. 'Missing for two years? He could be frozen in a ditch somewhere!'

'He could've been hiding Annabeth.' Moody tried to reassure her.

'Randolph is sure Magnus is alive,' said Frederick. 'He's somewhere in Boston. If his life is truly in danger ...'

They set off towards Charles Street, their voices carried away by the wind.


'Annabeth I have to go back. Iris message me if anything goes wrong!' She said and Annabeth nodded miserably. Moody then disappeared leaving a small fire there. She was in her room again and dipped everything but her purple shirt and her baggy jeans. She put on sneakers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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