How StarrySky got her name

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I know probably no one thinks this is interesting but I was thinking that the stories behind online usernames are pretty cool, so if you want to leave a comment with your username stories then I'd love to read them!

My username for everything gaming-related used to be STARWARS. That's it, just "Star Wars" in caps lock. Why? I really liked Star Wars and the first time I set my username to STARWARS on I did slightly better than my average.

But then I started to not like Star Wars as much anymore, and I realized that I needed a better username. I wanted to keep the "Star" part of my username, so I was thinking about what I could do with that and I decided on StarrySky because I love how the sky looks at night.

Of course, since StarrySky isn't a very original name, I couldn't set my Minecraft username to just StarrySky. The first alternative it gave me was StarrySky7588, so I decided to be StarrySky7588.

I don't like having more than 2 numbers on the end of my Wattpad username, so I'm trying to come up with a way to modify my username even further so I don't have to have numbers.

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