For those who don't know who Rainmaker is

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All this information is from the website:

So every information that is in this chapter is all from that website, anyway onto the chapter

Also the art is not mine


Rainmaker is a who was introduced as part of the Hires & Heroes Update. She can be found at the end of the pier beyond on in . She was first revealed during the ARG. 

Her attacks are: Brain Storm(Does 7 damage), Liquidate(Does 9 damage), Power Trip(Does 6 damage) and Freeze Assets (Does 8 damage)

-Rainmaker's cheats-

Lure Resistance: Rainmaker has a maximum Lure Resistance of 1 round. Once she drops down to 1 HP, this resistance will turn into Lure Immunity. 

Extra Attack: Rainmaker will start off the fight with one extra attack per turn. The amount of extra attacks she has will increase by one each time her Inversion cheat triggers. 

Weather Phases: Every 2 rounds Rainmaker will change the weather.

Oil Rain: Rainmaker's hair will turn into a darker color, whilst making the rest of the screen a similar tone. During this phase, all Toons will take 10 damage per round and All Cogs will heal 50 HP per round. This can cause Cogs to become. This weather phase will always be the one that the Rainmaker will change to when there is no weather phase currently active.  

Fog: Rainmaker's hair will turn gray, and will cover the screen entirely with fog, obscuring the view of both the Toons and the Cogs. During this phase, Toons will be unable to view any information on any of the Cogs in the fight, showing only question marks in place of their names, levels, and HP.

Heavy Rain: Rainmaker's hair will turn to a darker blue, and will tint the arena blue as heavy rain falls from the sky. During this phase, damage will be increased to all Toons and Cogs by 20%, however 50% of the damage will be delayed until the next weather transition, at which point it will all be dealt in burst. Toons can view how much damage both themselves and the Cogs will take by hovering over the icon for Heavy Rain's Status Effect.

Storm Cell: Rainmaker's hair will become brighter, and have significantly more lightning bolts in it. She will unleash a lightning bolt attack onto all Toons in the battle after 2 turns, dealing 34 damage to start, and for each attack that hits her, drop the damage of the bolts.

Inversion: After every 3 weather cycles or if Monsoon has ended, Rainmaker's hair will change back to its original state and the weather will turn back to normal. This cheat will heal 100 HP to Rainmaker and will grant her one extra attack per usage.

Moonsoon: Once Rainmaker drops below roughly 900 HP, she will summon a tornado behind the Toons, picking them up and bringing them to platforms made of clouds. They cannot use Toon-Up or Sound Gags, but will retain perfect accuracy across all other Gags. This weather phase will last for two rounds and all Cogs will not attack any Toons during this time. At the beginning of this phase, Rainmaker will gain the Monsoon Status Effect, which significantly reduces the amount of damage she takes for 3 rounds, and will spawn in 4 new Cogs, all replacing any previous Cogs that were present before the weather change. Cogs summoned range from level 9 to level 14 and have a Lure Resistance of 1 round.

-1 hp-

If the Rainmaker is dealt with lethal damage, her health bar will immediately stop at 1 HP. She and any unlured Cogs will presume their attacks, but the Rainmaker will not use up her accumulated extra attacks. She stops the current weather cycle and sends any remaining Cogs away. It is at this point that Toons can either attack her or "spare" her (not using Gags for the duration of 3 rounds). Aside from a special cutscene for sparing her, there are no major differences from doing either.


It's important to know when to focus on attacking the Rainmaker and when to focus on attacking the other Cogs in the fight.Prioritize attacking the Rainmaker during: Inversion, Storm Cell, Heavy Rain, and Fog (only if you know where she is).Prioritize attacking the other cogs during: Oil rain, Monsoon, and Fog (only if you don't know where Rainmaker is).Throw's ability to apply "Marked For Laugh" onto Cogs is extremely useful for this fight, as it allows Drop to do large amounts of damage to the Rainmaker, and other Cogs in the battle. Prestige Drop for an added bonus or as an alternative to Prestige Throw if one wants to substitute for Squirt instead.Try to bring the Rainmaker below 900 HP quickly before she can use Inversion. This is to avoid her finishing the three weather phases and triggering Inversion, then Monsoon activating and ending, which leads to a second Inversion, boosting her attacks to 4 and healing her again. On the other hand, if you do enough damage to her early, the current weather will be interrupted by Monsoon and only result in one Inversion happening.Try to defeat any high level/Executive Cogs before the Moonson phase ends, as they are much more dangerous than the Rainmaker herself in terms of damage.Do keep in mind that once she drops down to 1 HP, any weather phase changes and Cog attacks will still apply before the ending cycle actually starts. It is important to keep every Toon healthy and in little risk as possible before being able to finish the fight.Another note is that she only causes this phase change when she is hit with lethal damage. Doing enough damage that exactly brings her down to 1 HP will not trigger this mercy phase. It's relatively niche, but can be situational.


Its very rare to get Rainmakers sticker and the Storm Cloud hat

You can also get 13 Gumball's, 825 jellybeans and 750 Toon Experience. 


Well, this is all the information I found useful to those who don't know about Rainmaker and i hoped you learned so much from it

I hope you have a great day and stay safe and I'll see you in the next chapter, bye!

Word Count: 1015

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