chapter 1

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I adopted this book from simpformidorya (with premission of course)

Harry's pov:

My birthday is tomorrow and I'm not really excited about it because it's gonna be the same as always,
Which reminds me, my uncle should be coming to wake me up in 3...2... 1.
"BOY GET UP AND And MAKE US BREAKFAST!" Uncle Vernon screams through the door. A few minutes later I hear the door unlock and my whale of a cousin, Dudley, runs down the stairs
And pushes me back into my room aka the cupboard under the stairs. "HURRY UP AND GIVE US OUR BREAKFAST, YOU FREAK!" Uncle Vernon screams at me. "Yes uncle Vernon." I responded quietly.

{Time skip brought to you by Dumbledore's evilness}

It is now 10 seconds till my birthday
10...9...8... 7 ...6...5...4...3...2... 1 .
I fall to the floor in pain there's a throbbing pain in my head and back until, finally, I pass out from the pain. When I wake up the first thing I realize is that I'm not wearing my glasses but I can see clearly, I walk over to my broken mirror and see that my body is more feminine, my hair is a platinum blonde almost white color and is down to my waist, my eyes no longer Avada Kedavra green instead they now are heterochromia, one eye is a stormy grey almost a sliver Color and the other one is a blood chilling red, I'm now 4'6 whereas before I was 5'11, while I was looking in the broken mirror I heard an owl tapping at my window so I let Him in. "Hey little guy, I don't have any treats for you, I'm sorry." The gringotts seal is on the letter. I wonder what they want.

Dear Mr. Malfoy,

It has come to our attention that you have gone through a creature inheritance.
If you would come to gringotts immediately we can talk about the problem with your vaults, also this letter is a portkey the word is inheritance, please come as soon as possible.

Griphook your personal vault assistant.


This is a chapter from simpformidorya I edited it a bit but hope you hope you enjoyed!

Hadrian Malfoy: A Tomarry Fanfiction (I Adopted This)Where stories live. Discover now