Author's Notes

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First and foremost, this story delves heavily into the muddled subject of the human mind and just how badly it can be affected. To represent the characters' mental states, some scenes will be written to intentionally upset and disturb the reader. These scenes will include combat, flashbacks, panic attacks, and other high-suspense moments. 

The characters are, for the most part, self-destructive. They will indulge in unsafe coping mechanisms, such as promiscuity, alcohol consumption, and isolation. These are evident at the beginning of the novel, and may either increase or decrease as the story goes on.

This story will include: Light cursing, sexual language/innuendos, explicit sex, violence, death, grief, descriptions of a corpse, mentions of war and survivor's guilt, PTSD and flashbacks, panic attacks, drinking of alcohol and alcoholism. 

Remember to care for yourself and your mental wellbeing. If you need to take a breather before continuing, or you need to stop reading altogether, please do so.

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