19. Twin flames

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<Twin Flames>

A Twin Flame is your eternal lover created for you by the Universe. They are one at the core with you and share the same soul blueprint as you. Mirroring you and your desires perfectly. When you choose to grow or change, a twin flame grows with you for eternity because you share an eternal unbreakable bond and are one at the core. So when you choose to grow they do with you for eternity.

A twin flame is someone who shares the identical soul core frequency as you, the depth of recognition, emotion, and acceleration of spiritual growth that is experienced in a twin flame relationship can be overwhelming and profound as you are meeting the essence of your own soul self in the reflection of the other.

These twin flame soul connections are generally romantic relationships, intense and life-changing that can forever change who you are. Their core values are the same. They share similar interests. They get you like no one else. They often have unspoken words and know what the other is thinking and feeling. They are constantly improving individually and when together they support each other's growth.

The connection to both can be powerful, one who challenges them to no end, and they are attracted to each other like a powerful magnet.  The whole goal of a twin flame relationship is to catalyze one another into embodying our higher self.

<Initial Encounter>

The connection is often tumultuous in nature, at first, because the other is serving as the deepest form of mirror to the core of your being. The mirroring is so intense it can lead to cycles of attracting and repelling one another as the energies are thrown into confusion. 

This brings up all of the insecurities, traumas and unresolved wounds of the past straight to the surface which makes this kind of a relationship highly volatile because you're not just dealing with two people and their typical emotional baggage. You're dealing with your projections of abandonments related to persecution you have endured along the souls' journey.

Due to this unique feature of penetrating a person's self-concept deep into the core of their being, there's a lot of triggering that goes on in a twin flame connection.  The triggers are enormous for these aspects of the Self to be brought to the surface in the first place as each are healing the denied, forgotten and abandoned parts of Self through the mirror of what the other is bringing up in them. This is to help them achieve their higher self, by conquering their fears and insecurities.

In addition to mirroring, synchronicities are one of the main ways you can tell if you're experiencing a twin flame connection. The synchronicities can seem to be endless because once again, you're dealing with your own core frequency in another person, so the alignment of inner and outer events are going to be amplified.

There can be a lot of mirroring of life experiences. For example, if you had a traumatic childhood, your twin flame may have as well. That might not always mean the person is an exact mirror image of you.

From the very first encounter with a twin flame, synchronicity plays a strong role to both orchestrate and activate a spiritual awakening within oneself. In fact, the twin flame journey can be summed up as one giant spiritual awakening after another as this connection is designed to catalyze each person to the next level in their ascension process.


Another prominent feature of a twin flame connection is the amount of telepathy that takes place. This type of connection has a large telepathic component to it that can often cause the connection to be omnipresent, and it's not reserved for just thoughts or the mental body, one's emotions can also be felt. 

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