Chapter 1.

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A/n: finally here's chapter 1!!! I'm really sorry for the long ass wait.I absolutely have no plot for this, just basically that it's enimies to lovers so here we go😭
Btw this chapter is probably going to be rly short so bare w me
Also I am not keeping the title I just don't know what to do yet

Larissa stared blankly as the intense flames danced excitedly in front of her, wine glass in hand. She closed her eyes relaxing in the feeling of being engulfed by the warmth of the fire.

A subtle calmness filled the air until a loud buzzing sound came from Larissa's phone, nearly scaring her to death due to the sudden disturbance.

She cocked her head to the side, peering at her phone, it was the Mayor asking if everything was prepared for tomorrow. Tomorrow, of course it's about tomorrow Larissa thought releasing a frustrated groan.

Tomorrow placed an annual holiday in Jericho, Outreach day. This holiday consisted of Normies and Outcasts coming together and mingling with one another. Tomorrow also placed another wretched day Larissa had to see her.

Larissa could swear She's the anchor of all her problems. She can already feel the tension building just thinking about her.
If it's not one thing it's the next, and with that damn principle, she seems to be the root of everything.

Unfortunately no matter what Larissa does she can never catch a break. Nothing is ever good enough anymore, there's always something that needs her personal attention.

She loves her job without a doubt, Nevermore Academy is the most important thing to her. Running it can just be a tad difficult from time to time, especially with that Wednesday Addams running around causing mayhem and mischief.

There were still a few last minute changes that needed to be made but those could wait till tomorrow, hopefully.

Larissa sighed as she raised her hand and massaged her aching temples. All this planning has really taken a toll on her. Larissa couldn't wait for tomorrow to be over and it hasn't even started yet.

Larissa tilts her head back gulping whatever wine was left in her glass. The fruity mixture clings to her taste buds, making her feel warm and fuzzy inside. After a moment Larissa stood from the sky blue colored curved couch, kicking off her heels, making her way to the black door on the right side of her desk leading to her bedroom.

When Larissa got inside she immediately started stripping from her tight clothes. Once she was finished she removed each clip from her neat hair.

Usually before bed Larissa will read a chapter or two from whatever book she is currently reading, but tonight is a different story;). The second her head hit the soft pillow she embraced the darkness submerging herself into a deep slumber, letting all her troubles slowly trickle away.

A/N: Alr! Heres the first chapter Ik it was rly short and there wasn't much but I just needed a quick introduction so I can get started on the next chapter, which will be about outreach day and you'll get to meet the love interest! (aka you)
Also I want their relationship to be very rocky at first, like pure hatred for one another. So it's going to be like that for the first few chapters

Undying Devotion (Larissa Weems x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now