Chapter 3.

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait

The ride back to Nevermore could not have been any slower. Suddenly 20 minutes felt like a lifetime.

Each and every tree blending in with the next.

A relieved sigh escaped Larissa's lips as she saw two big gates come into view.

Big black letters that read 'Nevermore.'

Larissa puffed out her chest as she took three careful steps off the bus.

Once everyone migrated to their dorms, Larissa made her way to her office. She was absolutely spent, but she figured, what could a few more emails hurt?

She sat down it her black leather chair and opened her lap top.

As she scanned through her inbox, a particular email caught her attention.

The mayor.

The mayor?

Larissa titled her head slightly, as she began to ponder what it is he would be emailing her about, when he could've informed her earlier that day.

She hastily clicked on the email, jaw nearly dropping at each word.

A bead of sweat trickled down Larissa's forehead as she re read the email.

She'd have to meet at the normie high school for a meeting with the mayor.

But whatever for?

Why did she have to attend?

Larissa could not fathom it. She raised her hands to her keyboard, ready to make an excuse as to why she would be unable to attend.

She couldn't, she knows, but she really wants to.

Rolling her eyes, Larissa shot back a quick email essentially saying she understood and asking what time she'd need to arrive.

Larissa closed her computer as she began to gently rub her temples. This whole day as become a headache.

The meeting wasn't set till tomorrow, giving Larissa just enough time to wind down and prepare herself.

As Larissa began thinking about the meeting, you popped into her head.

Larissa rolled her eyes at the thought of having to be in the same room with you tomorrow. Being fairly honest with herself, you weren't bad on the eyes, just extremely annoying.

You definitely contributed to the dull ache of Larissa's head.

A/N: Next chapter will be the meeting

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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