Chapter 2.

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A/N: Sorry about the wait, thank you too everyone who waited patiently!! Enjoy this long overdue chapter

The sun was shining and the air was warm, with a small breeze blowing through the air. It was the perfect day for outdoor activities.

Larissa watched as the kids blended together with soft smile. By the end of Larissa's speech that she'd give briefly, each student would be assigned a different task that needed to be completed before the end of Outreach day.

"All students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10 a.m sharp, followed by a community lunch at 1 o'clock . As you know, this year Outreach Day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square, which will also include performances by Nevermore students." Larissa said gaining the attention of all the students.

"As representatives of our school, I trust you will all put your best face forward." Larissa said finally as she stepped down from the concrete steps and began handing everyone their pamphlet, which contained what part in Outreach Day they were assigned.

After everyone got their pamphlets it was time to leave. Larissa and a few staff members including Miss Thornhill helped gather the students and load them on the bus.

As the bus came to a halt everyone excitedly jumped out of their seats, quickly going out of the bus door.

Once everyone was off the bus each student gathered near the former pilgrim Joseph Crackstone statue in the center of Jericho near dozens of white chairs.

"All right everyone please take a seat, we have a special announcement" Larissa said while clapping her hands trying to get the students attention.

"Oh Larissa no need to clap yours hands, I'm sure your height alone has already grabbed everyone's attention." A mocking voice said coming from behind Larissa.

Larissa felt her eye twitch. She didn't even need to turn around, she recognized that condescending voice immediately. But before Larissa could speak back all attention was grabbed by the mayor.

"Welcome, welcome Nevermore Academy. Now, on behalf of the entire Jericho community, we are so very pleased to have you all here today. Your generosity and hard work is truly outstanding!"

Before the mayor could continue Larissa suddenly walked up near the statue, taking a stance beside mayor Walker.

"Okay everyone, we'll see you back here soon at 1 o'clock for lunch, everyone enjoy!"

Larissa watched as everyone suddenly stood up and quickly walked to their designated workplace.

"Nice to see Nevermore students actually doing something for Jericho, bean stock" the same obnoxious voice rang in Larissa's ears.

"Right well don't forget who actually funds this town and your salary, darling." Larissa said turning around with a wide smirk, while slightly titling her head.

Y/n scoffed as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes muttering a small "whatever".

Larissa watched as y/n cheeks slightly darkened. Feeling embarrassed she turned around walking away from Larissa.

Larissa turned back around facing the direction she was formally facing with a small smile, satisfied with this small victory.

After hours of mingling and celebrating the joyful holiday the sun began to set, painting the sky a vibrant orange and red color.

Larissa had finally announced it was time to depart and return back to Nevermore.

Larissa watched and waited as groups of students returned to the bus. After a few minutes everyone had finally boarded the bus, immediately leaving for Nevermore.

A/N: Sorry this chapter kinda sucks, I'm rly tired and I have no clue what I'm doing. I know there wasn't much dialogue between Larissa and the love interest but there will be more next chapter.

I'm not rly sure where I wanna take this or if I wanna somewhat follow the plot of Wednesday but I'll figure it out, and I'm also taking suggestions.

I'm gunna post this to get it out there but I'll probably fix and edit it tmr.

Undying Devotion (Larissa Weems x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now