chapter 3

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The next day after the gotten back their force risers Progrise keys and weapons from the Museum last night Naki made to delete any security footage of them being in the museum so they get caught and send back to the Isle or they'll probably be destroyed

So right the and the VKs are in class as the are extremely bored Horobi was half asleep Jin was finally asleep snoring really loud as he was on Horobi shoulder Naki was just playing with a pencil YN was just drawing and Ikazuchi was taping his leg

Fairy Godmother: if someone hands you a crying baby do you do you A curse it B lock it in a tower C give it a bottle or D carve out its heart

YN looks at Horobi

YN: what type of questions are these

Horobi: Hmmm

Evie raises her hand

Fairy Godmother: Evie

Evie: what was the second one

YN: seriously do you need your human eyes and hearing checked it's literally right there on the board B lock it in a tower which is the wrong answer

Fairy Godmother: okay anyone else

Mal was drawing the wand

Fairy Godmother: Mal

Mal: C give it a bottle

Ikazuchi: at least someone got it right

Fairy Godmother: Correct again

Carlos: you are on fire girl

Mal: just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun

Naki: at least you're not brain dead like Evie

Evie: shut up

Naki laughed

Evie: machines

Naki: I heard that

Then a girl walk in but looks scared while she looks at the VKs and

Fairy Godmother: hello dear one

???: hi

She face the VKs and

???: you need to sign off on early dismissed for the coronation

Fairy Godmother: everyone here remembers my daughter Jane

Jane: mom no

Jin woke up

Jin: that's Fairy Godmother daughter

Horobi: yup

Fairy Godmother: it's okay Jane this is everyone

Jane looks scared

Jane: hi that's okay don't mind me as you were

She quickly runs out

YN: sky type

Ikazuchi: more like she is scared of us that we are here

YN: guess you're right

Fairy Godmother: let's continue you find a vial of poison do you A put it in the king's B paint it on an apple or C turn it over to the proper authorities

Everyone raises our hands

Fairy Godmother: Horobi

Horobi: C turned it in to the proper authorities

Carlos: I was gonna to say that

Horobi: better luck next time


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