1 [3] - A Drunken Mistake - [3]

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"Psst... human- wake up" I hear a voice call for me from above.

"Let me sleep a little longer Ezra" I groan into the pillow.

"Come on, I'm ready! You said we could go"

"Ugh... okay"

Forty minutes later and the two of us were ready to go.

"Meet me at the party"


"I have something to do"

"Can't I just wait for you?"

"It's really quick, just go and have fun"

"Okayy..." He extends the Y disappearing from the room.

I sit on the floor in meditating position. I close my eyes and focus hard on entering my conscience which I do. I see a door looked. Without another doubt, I walk to it placing my hand on the doorknob. I wasn't able to attempt to open the door once I felt a familiar presence watching me. A touch was felt on my shoulder and I immediately exit my mind, coming back to reality.

I guess that man is still watching me after all but now is not the time to worry about it. Ezra's waiting for me. I snap my fingers and appear at the party. I look around to notice the demon having fun with someone else.

Madden approaches me with a huge grin on his
face. "I can't believe you came! We're doing shots out back, wanna join us?"

"You know I wouldn't miss it for the world! Let's do it"

I need a couple of shots or maybe even the whole bottle. I'm not saying I care who he hooks up with but damn. I don't even know why I care! I barely know the guy, he's a demon at that.

We both head across the house and out the back door, entering the huge backyard where most people were. At the table close to us, they were doing shot races so I decided to volunteer to go next. 3... 2... 1- and there I was downing the shots of alcohol as if I was drinking a bottle of water. I ring the bell as soon as I finish with my drinks. I won. Madden volunteered to go against me because he was extremely competitive, he also knew how to have fun. "SHOT, SHOT, SHOT!" Everyone starts to chant.

Ezra comes outside to see what all the commotion was about and he notices me doing shots. I quickly finish the shots, winning again. Madden fell back against a chair being extremely wasted. He was most likely going to end up with alcohol poisoning.

After a few short moments, the alcohol seemed to be getting to me. "Who wants to go skinny dipping?!" I yell. Everyone cheered in agreement. There was a huge lake in the back of the house. The crowd starts moving to the lake leaving the house empty. I was going to follow them but I barely managed to walk properly. I was tripping all over the place.

Ezra walks up to me with a look on his face full of concern. "Mads is absolutely wasted" I lightly giggle.

"So are you," The older man says.

"Fuck off demon" I proceed to walk out the back gates to go skinny dipping with the rest.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You're a whore, that's what's wrong. Making out with people who are nothing but strangers"

"So that's what this is about, your jealous"

"So what if I am?"

"E..Ezra" I quietly say as my eyes roll back.


My veins fade into a black color as they become visible. It was like my skin was becoming transparent. Blood flows down my cheeks as if they were tears. The shock throughout my body was painful. Unstable portals start opening all around us. Portals to different realms, forbidden ones. "Holy shit" He whispers before saying a quiet apology. He puts a finger to my head sending a horrifying shock wave throughout my whole body. I fall unconscious and Ezra quickly grabs me before I hit the floor. All the portals immediately closed now that I wasn't awake. The demon takes me back to my dorm room, laying me on my bed. Even though I was unconscious, my appearance didn't seem to change. "Oh Marcus... what have you done"

T/N. Those two are in for a big surprise. Sure, the party was fun. Getting wasted with friends. I mean Who would've thought anything could've gone wrong. Marcus is the prime wizard's son, but he is also a door to the forbidden realms. Always being targeted by demons, spirits, and even hunters. He Went into internal shock because of all the alcohol he drank. A couple of drinks is okay but not went you chug bottles and do a ton of shots. He exceeded his limits which caused his brain to malfunction sending a strong electrical pulse throughout his body. He drunkenly started opening portals into the forbidden realms, but they were unstable so Ezra had to knock him out. Little did they know, something had escaped, something big...

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