Chapter 1

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"OW...!" I bump my head on something, I was enclosed on a bed, and... I was wearing an orange jumpsuit. Orange is definitely NOT my color. I look around, and it seemed like me and Melissa were in a small glass room. Melissa turned to me and waved. I waved back as the glass on top of the beds, enclosing us opened. Melissa groaned. "Hey, you know what happened??" Melissa turned to me, cracking her neck. I shook my head, as I looked around. It seemed like the place we were in was practically infected by nature, completely indulged.

 "Hello, and again, Welcome to Aperture Science Computer-aided Enrichment Center!" Said a female-like robotic voice, I got started, and fell off the bed. "JEEZ...!" I exclaimed. "We hope your brief detention in the relaxation vault has been a pleasant one. Your specimen has been processed, and we are now ready to begin the test proper." The robot voice spoke again. "Woah woah woah, hold it...!" Melissa interrupted the robotic voice. 

"What's going on, where's Charlie's wheelchair, and WHO ARE YOU?????" Melissa yelled. "I am the Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System, otherwise known as GLaD0S." the robot said. "As for your friend's wheelchair, it's outside this room, don't worry, you can drag her-" "Him. I use he/him pronouns." I corrected her. GLaD0S immediately said "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize, you looked like a woman, so I assumed-" "I was born a woman but..." I trailed off. "Oh, I understand." She spoke.

 "Anyway, before we start however, keep in mind that although fun and learning are primary goals of all enrichment center activities, serious injuries may occur. For your own safety and the safety of others, please refrain from--" Her voice then distorted. Me and Melissa looked at each other as I then crawled towards her, my legs not being able to move. Melissa picked me up. "...where's the door?" Melissa asked, confused, looking around. "I was just going to get to that, please stand back. The portal will open in 3...2...1." GLaD0S said. "A what?" I asked and just as I said that an orange portal appeared next to Melissa and me.

 We were both shocked, how could this be?! Why is there a portal?! What's going on?!! "What are you waiting for? It can't be that hard to get into a portal, unless you're packing on a few pounds, which that is most likely the case." GLaD0S said. "Did...did the damn robot just call us fat?" Melissa asked, looking very offended. "Yean. I think she did." I replied, scoffing. Melissa carried me through the portal, as we found my Wheelchair. She placed me on the wheelchair. We looked back at the portals. "Damn." I spoke. "Yeah."

"Well... we should probably go through that door." Melissa said, before pushing me into the door." Melissa said, smiling. We got through the first few tests. "This is kind of boring." I muttered. As we got into the next door, we saw something. "What. Is that???" I asked, it was on a pedestal of some sort. "That is a Portal Device." GLaD0S said, before saying, "You're not really as smart as you look." 

"SHUT UP." Melissa yelled at her. The next door opened as we then got our hands on the portal gun. "Woah... this is kind of sick." I said, smiling, looking at it, turning it 360 for a good view. "I am going to love this thing." I added, smiling as we then got to the elevator. Once it got to the room we need to be in, GLaD0S said, "Welcome to Test Chamber four, you are both doing quite well." We groaned. "Psst!" We heard something. "PSST!!!" It got a little louder, we look at the wall, there was a sphere of some sort.

 "Here!" It said as a secret door in the wall opened as me and Melissa looked at each other. "Might as well, better than doing these boring ass tests." I said, as Melissa agreed then went ahead and pushed me in. "Wait, where are you going? You didn't finish the test!!" GLaD0S said, in a worried tone. The wall behind us shut. "Hello, I know you both are confused, but uh, I can help! My name is Wheatley, and I'm going to help you both get out of here!" He said, in a joyful tone almost. "How... do we know we can trust you?" I asked. "Yeah, how?" Melissa added.

"For one, I got you out of the test chambers, didn't I??" Wheatley said, sighing, I replied with, "Fair point." Wheatley smiled. Or at least, I think. He doesn't have a mouth. "Welllllllllllllll, Let's go!!!" Wheatley said, enthusiastically. I shrugged, looking at Melissa, Melissa looking at me. She's so pretty... anyway, we followed Wheatley as he led us behind the test chambers. Now that I think about it more, how do we know we can trust him and he's not going to betray us?? I'm starting to rethink this, shit. Too late to turn back now I guess; all we haft to do is move forward."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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