7 - Imprisonment

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Ti'ywan slammed her body into the one-way window, making the room shake slightly. It was too cramped in there, and they took away all her weapons and anything sharp, like her accessories. She flipped the fairly heavy table and punched the window again, leaving a print of her fist on the reinforced glass.

"Lemme out of here!"


She heard the boy shout loudly, he must be in a cell next to hers. He had also been hitting what he could in frustration.


"Yeah it's me, I'm right next to you!"

"Ti'ywan, it'll be fine! We'll get out of here and go home!"

He reassured her despite knowing she was the calmer one. Then he took a chair and hit it against the window repeatedly, hoping it would shatter. Quarritch and a human officer were watching them both. To the officer, it was concerning how feral the human boy was, speaking to the avatar girl in the na'vi language and acting like he was one of them.


"This thing...this Quarritch, whatever he is...he can walk right in here under Eywa's nose!"

"This is our family, this is our home!"

Kiri, Lo'ak, Neteyam and Tuk were listening in on their parent's heated conversation from outside their tent. The situation didn't look good. Spider and their oldest sister had been captured and their parents were arguing about this new threat.

"This is our family, this is about our little ones!"

"I cannot, you cannot ask this, I cannot leave my people...I will not" 

"He's hunting us, he's targeting our family"

"You cannot ask this! The children, everything they've ever known! The forest! This is our home!"

"He had our children...he had them under his knife...he has Ywanie!"

Neytiri became sad, grabbing her father's bow that he bestowed on her as he died, she reminded Jake of her oath to her father and the people. Jake explained to her that this is how they protect the people since whoever will shield them and cover for them will be slaughtered by Colonel and his men.

"He has Spider and Ywanie, the two of them know everything about us, even if they didn't want to, their knowledge can lead Quarritch right in here! If the people harbour us, they will die, do you understand?"

Neytiri looked down, upset that he was right. He took a deep breath and continued talking.

"Look, I've got nothing, I have no plan, but I can protect this family!"

He hugged Neytiri and consoled her as she came to terms with his decision to leave the clan and go far away to seek refuge at the water tribes. When Lo'ak heard it from outside, he was fuming, they were going to not only abandon the people but also Ti'ywan. Neteyam noticed his reaction, he understood how he felt. He himself was angry with their parents, worried about his big sister, who was in the heart of the enemy operation, at their mercy.


As soon as the researchers along with guards stepped into her cell, she jumped on them and ripped them apart one by one until they managed to shoot her with a tranquillizing dart. She threw one last punch before falling to the ground, strength leaving her limbs slowly. Quarritch laughed at them from outside. They dragged her limp body to a strange machine where they would forcibly enter her brain and extract information from her. Hours went by with them interrogating the girl, yet she just stared at them fiercely without saying anything as blood trickled down from her nose.

"Alright, that's enough, she's clearly not going to say anything"

Quarritch turned off the machine and Ti'ywan hissed at him when he approached her. He chuckled and patted her head, praising her endurance. He unstrapped her, knowing she wouldn't be able to muster an ounce of strength to fight him anyway. She growled at him as he picked her up and carried her away back to her cell. Meanwhile, desperate for information about the natives, the researchers put Spider into the interrogation device, only for him to tell them nothing as well by the time the Colonel was back.

He was impressed by 'his' son and got upset when he saw his nose bleed. He went to turn off the machine again and told them he'd try a different approach with the kids. Colonel took Spider to see Ti'ywan who was sitting on the opposite side of the room, on the ground leaning against a wall. She was exhausted and didn't even bother attempting to intimidate Quarritch when he entered the room with Spider, who immediately tried to bolt.

"Hey easy tiger, easy"

Quarritch set him down on the table, trying to reason with him.

"We good?"

Spider stayed silent and ran to Ti'ywan when he noticed her limply sitting in the corner. They spoke in na'vi, reassuring each other. The Colonel smiled at them, wanting to seem as harmless as possible. They both gave him a nasty look as he went closer to them. He sat down next to them and looked at Spider.

"Kiddos, you got hearts, the science pukes leaned on you pretty hard, but you gave them nothing...I respect that"

He patted Spider's head, who swatted his hand away and when he tried to pat Ti'ywan, she bit him, reminding him of who he was dealing with. He laughed and took his hand back when she let go. She leaned back again and looked up, closing her eyes, completely drained now. Quarritch took out something from his pocket and handed it to Spider.

"I...thought you might want this"

The boy looked at it and when handed the military dog tag, he threw it across the room"

The Colonel nodded, understanding his reaction. He told him about his original self and how if they cooperate, they won't be harmed by them anymore, at the last part, he looked at Ti'ywan, who weakly raised her hand and flipped him off, but agreed afterwards. He gave the kids some alone time to rest and sort out their thoughts.


The Sully family had left the Omaticaya clan, crying as they put saddles on their Ikrans. Pukk came closer, searching for Ti'ywan who was nowhere to be found. Jake patted him and frowned, regretful that he has to leave his daughter in that man's hands while they flee without her. Lo'ak looked at his father angrily. Neteyam grabbed his shoulder to make Lo'ak look at him instead, but the boy's gaze never left his father's back, reproachful.

They flew for many days before reaching the Metkayina people, who didn't give them a very warm welcome. Their leader was easy to convince, as he held respect for Jake, who was Toruk Makto, but his mate, the Tsahík, didn't want to accept them. She found issues with Sully's children being half-breeds as well as their obvious lack of skill in water due to the different body structures.

Eventually, she gave in and they were allowed to stay and rest after the long journey. The Metkayina leader's children were instructed to teach Sully's kids everything they needed to be able to do and know about the way of water.

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