You "used" to fangirl over him

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You were over at your best friends house Y/BFF/N. What you happened to not know is she was "hired" by Louis. Well not really. Y/BFF/N told Louis that you literally praised him. She basically made it sound like you had CWS (celebrity worship syndrome). Which you kinda did. Anyways...

You walked in the living room carrying the drink your best friend had asked for.
"Yes Y/BFF/N?"
"Remember when you had CWS?"
"I have never in my life had CWS."
"What about Louis?"
"Shut it," you snapped. Your friends always liked and still do, tease you about your obsession.

"It's ok Y/N, he was just all over your bedroom walls, you would never shut up about him. I even started to believe you prayed to him and you just don't want admit it."
"Whatever," you roll her eyes at her.
"What if he ever broke up with you?"
"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Like say you two just broke up, ok? What would you do afterwards?"
"I'd be upset but I would get over it."
"Ok since your dating him do you ever feel like you don't trust him?"
"Why are you asking so many questions? What is this a practice to be an interviewer?

"Yea, sure whatever just answer my questions"
"Well for one he asked me out, I didn't ask him and we've been dating for what three years now? I'd think there would be trust and if he is dating me he is dating me because I know that you need trust and not an over clingy relationship. I let him have his own free roam, I respect him and he respects me."

Y/BFF/N just smiled at you got up and walked toward the TV. She picked up the camera and stopped recording. You looked at her confused.

"That's all I needed, he wanted to know about some of your 'obsessions' so I video tapped it for him." She beamed at you.
"How'd he know about my so called 'obsession'?"
That's when Y/BFF/N beaming smile turned into an "Uh-oh I'm in trouble" face.

"Well you see..." She said trying to distract you. You not falling for it putting your hands on your hips. Next thing you know she runs off to go find him. Of course his house was only a few blocks away, you just stayed at her house because you knew, that either way he would still know.

Later that night walking in, seeing him standing there with a cheesy grin. You tilt your head down trying to hide your blush, knowing he already saw it.

This is gonna be one terrible time.

OK MY LOVLY CUPCAKES! I am going to post when ever I can, so please comment like and share! I hope you enjoy! I'll try my best to get a routine going since this is my first time staying and keeping up with a book.... Ok ima stop talking now. Love you all!☺️😳😁

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