Ch. 1

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Dear Thea,

Never in my life did I think I would be sitting here and writing a letter like this one. I never thought that the years I've spent with you would end in such a way. I still remember the first time we met.

I was sitting at a little table with my mother. The sun blessed our skin with its warm glow. Despite the warmth, I was cold inside. I had my reservations about the near future. My wedding. The memory leaves me shaking with the nerves I felt that day. I didn't want to marry but there wasn't much of a choice. An upstanding one such as myself needed to be married before eighteen. It was the perfect situation really. Not only was my fiancé a reputable person, but they were also kind and accepting, as you well know.

My mother's shrill voice clouded the air, "We'll be meeting a young woman. She's just a bit older than you, but a fine lady nevertheless. It is important to meet others such as herself, only then will you be seen highly."

"Mother knows I do not take well to strangers-"

"Lady Thea is no stranger. Her family has known your fiancé's for many generations," she paused for a sip of tea, "You will have to be well acquainted with their friends if you are to marry."

I knew there wouldn't have been a way to leave the situation. Maybe I should have tried harder but I do not regret it one bit. If I did, I wouldn't have met you.

Mother glanced behind me and hurriedly set her tea down before standing. While my mother introduced herself to you and your mother, I stood up slowly. I refused to look up and hardly mumbled a proper introduction which got me a subtle yet painful slap from my mother. We sat at the little table, by this point the sun had hidden behind the thin umbrella and a maid had come out of nowhere, as they always did, to fill up your cup. Our mothers chatted as if they'd known each other for years while you and I sat still.

My eyes never left my lap, even while I ate finger sandwiches. At some point, I felt your gaze on me. At first, I thought it was just my mind playing tricks but then the sensation grew. Bumps formed along my skin and the hairs at the back of my neck stood up. I glanced not so subtly at you and then back down. A beauty you were, so ever godly. I couldn't help but glance back up and admire you again. We stared into each other's eyes until finally, the tension broke with a giggle from you. My neck became warm and my hands shook as you called a maid over to move your chair. We sat at a reasonable distance and awkwardly conversed until we soon became comfortable.

After that first meeting, we were inseparable. Every day we would find an excuse to see each other. If only we stopped there. I would have gladly taken you as a secret in my heart for the rest of my life. A friendship was enough for me but I was greedy...

I hope to write to you again, my love, even if my letters will never reach you.



My Final Letter To YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora