Ch. 6

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Oh Thea,

The time the three of us spent together is a time I will never forget. I learned so much about myself. It was a time when I really loved. Not just you or William, but myself as well. How I wish that it could have lasted forever. Everything was amazing until that night. The night our lives came crashing down.

I can't even think of it. I can only distract myself with the same night a year before. When we got married!

William's family had been preparing for the wedding. My family only helped when it came to matters regarding the bride, me. At first I didn't want the wedding, but then I realized the cover was great for us. You were our friend, it wasn't weird to be with us, it wasn't weird if we were together alone because we were both women and I was to be married.

I had to spend every moment with William, so we stopped seeing each other for a while. I had never really known William until you and I became one. Getting to know him was amazing and I was surprised that I never wanted to know him before. The thought of marrying him became something I looked forward to. What hurt me the most though, was that I wanted to marry him because I liked him, not to hide us. I felt like I was betraying you. Every moment we had to pretend to love each other felt real to me. It also felt like I was plunging a knife into you.

The night before our marriage, there was a party. Everyone gathered around the showroom and gave speeches congratulating us on our marriage. Then a chant arose, everyone wanted us to give them a taste of the next night,

"Just one kiss! I'm sure you've done that many times already!" The crowd erupted in laughter and I felt guilt crawl up my throat once everyone chanted.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

William took a deep breath and looked at me, "Is that alright," he whispered.

I didn't want to because of you but at the same time it was my biggest desire. I didn't look at you as I nodded my head and leaned in closer. He grabbed my cheek and brought his lips to mine. It was slow but loving and I could feel everything he felt. It was just us two, even through the cheers and your gaze burning my face. I was too ashamed afterwards to look at you. I wish I had though, so that I could see the lust in your eyes.

You left before everyone else, but then you came back when they were gone. You stormed into our bedroom and pushed William on the bed.

"How was it? Did it feel good?"

"I-I," he stuttered.

"Give me a clear answer! You are allowed to feel whatever you want!"

"I-," he paused, "Yes. I liked it."

You looked... Relieved, somehow. Before I could voice my confusion you kissed me passionately.

"How about that? Did you like that?"

"Seeing two women kiss isn't-"

"It doesn't matter if it's right or not. Just tell me if you liked it," you demanded.

William shuffled on the bed.

"So you did."


"Don't lie! I liked it too. When you kissed her."

I learned that night that the both of you loved me and that I loved you too. You both wanted me and weren't opposed to the idea of sharing me. Even going as far as saying you both would marry me the next night.

That night was another one that I would remember forever. The way we talked, the way we kissed, the way we undressed. I had never thought that I would be pleasured by someone other than you, never had I thought I would learn the touch of a woman, but I was proven wrong. And I was proven wrong again when I felt the pleasures of both sexes. I was surprised that you and William would stay friends and I was shocked when I learned there was space in my heart for more than one.

If only bliss could last forever.

I miss you both,


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