Chapter 1

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Wednesday Addams was forced to attend Nevermore school all because she got expelled 

from her last school. This was all thanks to her parents Morticia and Gomez Addams. 

When Wednesday got to Nevermore she went to the principal's office with her parents 

to talk to Principal Weems. Afterwards Wednesday went up to her dorm room. 

As the door opened a girl was standing right in front of Wednesday.

"Howdy Roomie you must be new here." Enid said

"Ewww do I have to stay here in this dreadful room with that thing over there?" 

Wednesday asked

"Oh Wednesday you will learn to love it here soon enough I promise." Principal Weems said 

"I doubt that Principal Weems.

Wow and here I thought my mother was going to tell me that instead." Wednesday said

"I'm sorry about my daughter Wednesday she can be shy when it comes 

to meeting someone new. Mortica said

"I can see that Miss Addams." Enid said

"Enid perhaps you could go help Wednesday get her uniform and schedule." 

Principal Weems said

"Of course I can. This way Wednesday." Enid said as she grabbed Wednesday's hand.

"Excuse me, but can you not grab my hand so suddenly without permission to touch me." Wednesday said

"Oh ok sorry about that Wednesday. Anyway the office is this way." Enid said pointing toward the office.

"Excellent I'll take it from here." Wednesday said

"Wait, but the Principal said that I should help you get your things." Enid said

"Like I said I can handle things on my own from here. By the way I have no idea why they would think to send you with me in the first place." Wednesday said

"We are roommates aren't we?" Enid asked

"So what if we are I don't want to be involved with you in any way." Wednesday replied

"Wednesday there's no way this is going to be fun with you avoiding me all the time." Enid said

"Why in the world would I want to have fun with you anyway?" Wednesday asked

"Well I thought maybe I could give you the best roommate experience of your life." Enid replied

"Yeah no thanks Enid if that is your name." Wednesday said

"Yes Wednesday my name is Enid. Anyway if you don't want to spend any time with me I'll just back to our dorm and listen to music." Enid said

"No don't you dare play any music in our dorm room Enid." Wednesday said

"Just watch me Wednesday." Enid said

"I'm warning you Enid." Wednesday said

"Oh try me Wednesday." Enid said

"Trust me you don't want to cross me and regret it later." Wednesday said

"I'm not afraid of you Wednesday." Enid said

"Suit yourself Enid." Wednesday said

"Fine Wednesday I will." Enid said

As days and months went by it seemed like Wednesday and Enid's relationship hadn't 

improved at all.  Their weird friendship seemed to be going nowhere either as Wednesday kept avoiding Enid all the time. However one cold day Wednesday was at her type writer as she was writing her new novel. Then Wednesday heard laughter coming from outside. It looked like Enid was smiling, laughing and playing in the snow with her boyfriend. Wednesday saw them with a grim look on her face. *She's better off with him. It's not I need her anyway.* Wednesday thought to herself as Thing was on her shoulder.

"We are only temporary roommates until I get out of this school." Wednesday said to Thing.

"I miss Pugsly, Lurch, and Uncle Fester. When will I see Lurch again?" Wednesday asked herself.

Wednesday had a picture of Lurch with her. She only took out the picture when she was missing home and her crush. However she had to keep her crush on Lurch a secret. No one was allowed to know her true secret. Wednesday realized she was feeling homesick and very lonely. What she needed was a friend, girlfriend, or possibly a boyfriend. 

"What's wrong with me? You need to stay focused  on your task Wednesday." 

Wednesday said to herself.

Then there was a knock on the door.

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