Chapter 4

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"We're here Wednesday." Principal Weems said

"Finally now I can try to complete my novel while I'm stuck in this prison." Wednesday said as she stepped out of Principal Weems's car. As Wednesday went to the school as Bianca and her friends blocked Wednesday. 

"Where do you think you're going Gothic yet dangerous psycho?" Bianca asked

"Oh you think I'm a psycho and and a monster Miss Queen Bee?

You don't even know the meaning of the word Monster." Wednesday replied

"W-Whatever Psycho." Bianca said

Wednesday watched as Bianca and her followers left. 

"That wasn't very nice." A voice said to Wednesday.

"You're one to talk." Wednesday said

"What's your name?"The voice asked

"Wednesday what's your name?" Wednesday asked

"Xavier." Xavier replied

"Wow couldn't your parents have given you a better name?" Wednesday asked

"What do you care Wednesday?" Xavier asked 

"I don't care not really Xavier." Wednesday replied

"Then why ask me that question?" Xavier asked

"I was just curious that's all." Wednesday replied

"Yeah well I don't care what you say Wednesday." Xavier said

"Fine by me I was heading up to my dorm room anyway." Wednesday said

"Wouldn't it be better if you left this place?" Xavier asked

"I wish I could leave this school but I think I'm going to stick around for a bit longer." 

Wednesday replied

"Why Wednesday?" Xavier asked

"Because I think I've found my reason to stay here." Wednesday replied

"Is it your roommate Enid?" Xavier asked

"No she's not the reason why I decided to stay. I believe something has caught my interest at this school." Wednesday replied

"Oh ok sure You are so weird Wednesday." Xavier said

"You do know that this school was created for monsters and outcasts right?" Wednesday asked

"No Wednesday you're wrong about that." Xavier said

"Is that so well then prove me wrong Xavier." Wednesday said

"I will soon Wednesday." Xavier said

"Sure you will now if you'll excuse me." Wednesday said

Wednesday left Xavier all alone in the hallway.

Enid and Wednesday's Dorm Room: 

Enid came back inside as she noticed it was very quiet plus Wednesday wasn't back from her therapy session yet. 

"Hey Wednesday I know you would be writing your novel instead of talking or spending time with me I get that, but please just answer me Wednesday." Enid said

All of a sudden there was a mysterious knock on the door.

"Who is it Enid said as she went to open the door.

"I said Yes who is it? Wednesday is that you?" Enid asked

A hand grabbed Enid and covered her mouth as she passed out and fell into the kidnapper's arms. Poor Enid couldn't speak or move. When Wednesday got to the dorm room she found it empty except for Thing.

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