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+ 6 months later + *_*

Jerome PoV

Mitch and I were happy. Now that's an understatement. I havnt cut in 6 months. I'll always have scars but they're my life. They make me who I am. I have troubles with Anxiety. A fan walked up to me in pax, well thousands of fans, and I had an anxiety attack on the spot. Mitch helped me through, though.
            I lay there, on the bed, staring at him, not believing that I actually wanted to leave life at one point, leave Mitch. I ran my hands through his soft hair and his arm wrapped around me. We played like that for a while.
          A growl erupted from the depths of goblin town that I like to call 'my stomach'. I tried to pull away, but Mitch grabbed onto my shirt and pulled me into a kiss.
              "I'm cold, stay here?" He asked, the tired voice overwhelming me with a flutter in my heart. I looked at him, and then his shirtless abs. But then another roar came from the bottomless pit. I took off my shirt and gave it to him. He looked at me with a frowny face. "Come on, Adam and the gang are coming." I whined. Mitch widened his eyes and glared at the mess we call our house. We then stared at each other with anticipation, and I got lost in his eyes until a knock at the door broke the silence.
           "Don't come in!" I looked around the room a the empty wing containers, candy wrappers, pizza boxes, and most of all, fan-sent gifts. Gift baskets, pictures, wrapping paper, letters, and boxes added to the clutter we called our house. The table was overturned because we couldn't find the remote one day, looked underneath it, and didn't bother to put it back.
             "Why can't we come in lovebirds?" Adam called. "Mitch and Jerome, sitting in a tree. F-U-C-K-I-N-G. First there's love, then there's marriage,, then there's a baby from the adoption center." Ty cooed, failing in making up a song. "I'm naked." I said. But at the same time, Mitch decided upon the excuse of: " We're having sex." I glared at Mitch. He shrugged his shoulders and put his hands up in defense.
             "Woah, they really are fucking!" Ty said, and I imagined him putting his hands away from the door in a joking manner. We quickly cleaned up all the pizza boxes, and I wiped the stain on the wall from Mitch's Capri-sun the other day. It was red. My Merome shirt is ruined. I put the table up, making a lot of noise in the process. "Don't get too wild in there." Jason joked. I made an obviously  fake moan. I then scoffed. I ate the last buffalo wing in the container and then threw it away.
               "K guys, you can come in." I said. Mitch unlocked the door, awaiting the horde of friends...

Short but lolz idc.

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