The beginning

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The beautiful spring, there were beautiful flowers on the ground.
Outside there were two people running around, their names were Miro and Amin, there were two boys playing. Both were Thirteen years old.

They've been friends since they were six. Both Liked the same things and went to the same school and classes. Their parents have been friends since they were young, which is how Miro and Amin met.
Miro's mother took him to see Ira, Amin's mother. Miro was very shy and Amin was mostly quiet. Amin went to Miro and had asked himwhether they want to play because it was boring and he wanted someone to play with.
Miro Went after them and they became friends. When they went to elementary school they happened to be in the same class, a little later Miro was teased by classmates because he was said to be ugly.

Amin heard and saw it a little later and walked ahead of Miro and made an announcement to the comrades who had annoyed Miro.
As a result, Amin was beaten. The people who slapt him should go straight to the director and were reprimanded. Miro asked Amin why he helped him, Amin replied ,,Because we are friends" and smiled at this Miro was happy to hear that.

So they were best friends. When they started seventh grade. They had to go to different classes. Both of them didn't like being so apart, so they were sad.Amin found new friends and Miro & Amin hardly ever saw each other during the break.Outside, not so often anymore, because they have to study a lot for school. Miro didn't have anyone because nobody in his class liked him, he was constantly thinking about how Amin was doing and what he was doing.

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