013. | Poe Cup Part II

355 16 6

P O E   C U P   P A R T   I I

1.16.2023 | 16.1.2022


Wednesday's POV


My arms move back and forth in a continuous motion as the canoe leaps forward like an alligator through swampy waters. I hear the students on the shore cheer out in excitement as a steady wind blows in my face. 

"Move faster!!"

"Come on, ladies. Let's go!!" 

Voice to my left and right ring out on the lake to motivate their teammates to push forward. I keep my focus ahead of us as suddenly Ajax and Xavier's boat collides slightly with ours. 

"Excuse us." 

I hear Ajax's voice to my right as their red boat drags alongside ours, causing the wood to hit one another and slightly push us off track. 

Turning around, I notice Bianca's boat is far behind the rest as I contemplate what she might be up to. Then suddenly, the other racer's boat next to us, the one adorned with the battle axe, pulls up next to us.

Its ornamental axe suddenly lifts up into the air and swings toward us. I watch its sharp edges come straight toward my neck as I quickly grab Enid in front of me and drag us both underneath its incoming blade. 

I hear her grunt as the battle axe returns to its position on the other boat. Their canoe glides swiftly past us as we are no longer rowing. 

I'm quite surprised at their attempt to try and kill us, as I realize this is actually fairly serious competition. I wonder what Weems would say if four of Nevermore's students were decapitated today. 

Enid begins rowing the canoe again as I switch my thoughts from Weems to the race at hand. I feel the wooden handle of the paddle as I grip it firmly while using it to produce momentum for the boat to move. 

I hear other voices ring out, yelling to keep on paddling as the boat with the battle axes begins to veer off course. 

I watch as the boat turns sideways and heads straight toward a buoy in the lake's waters.  The boat continues to stay sideways as I watch curiously as to how that could be happening. 

And before I know it, the canoe splits in half after coming into contact with the large buoy, the four members jumping out to avoid the collision. 

I smile as I realize they've received their karma for trying to decapitate the Black Cats. I turn back to see Bianca still trailing behind us. 

Out in the distance, I notice some movement in the water as I set my paddle down. I grab my spyglass and peer out onto the water's surface. I see a large tail flip around as I realize that must be how Bianca keeps winning. 

She's got an informant beneath the waves to crash boats. I respect the devious nature of her idea, but I don't let it discourage me as I pick back up my paddle and continue rowing. 

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