016. | Poe Cup Part V

444 19 4


1.22.2023 | 22.1.2022


Xavier's POV


I shiver at the wind as the dark stormy clouds above us come closer and closer to our tents. Only Bianca and I are now standing outside the tent as the rest of the group head to Ajax and mine's tent to seek shelter from the incoming rain.

"I still don't get what you see in her," says Bianca next to me. I hear her sigh as she continues. "We were truly good Ajax...we were the it couple that everybody liked. Did you not enjoy that?"

I sigh as I look toward the tent again before responding, "No...I really didn't."

"But why her?" she questions, her eyes looking at me with a hint of desperation. "What about her makes you so...so...infatuated with her."

She emphasizes the word infatuated, as I can't help but admit that infatuated is the perfect word to describe it. I stay silent for a few moments as I contemplate her question.

"I guess..it's sort of like a painting. I'm so used to my usual color...the paint...the art...I want something new. Something dark, I admit. And with her presence, I've been inspired to try darker themes in my work. It's all swirling around my mind and her presence...I suppose... it reminds me of that. She's like a work of art. Some Francisco Goya Esque style comes naturally to her"

I watch as Bianca closes her eyes tightly before opening them again. Another drift of cool air hits my exposed skin as she turns away. The tension is thick as we both suddenly hear a shout from inside the tent.

Bianca lets her hands drop to her side as she quickly looks to her side at me, asking, "What was that?"

"I don't know," I shoot back as I think about rushing in to see what the problem is.

"Enid's in there...I'm sure whatever is going on...she can deal with it," Bianca says, trying to reassure me. "And the nurses are in there too."

"Screw it," I say decisively, ignoring her reasoning. "I'm going in to check it out."

"But it's family only," Bianca says finally, trying to stop me from going in. "You know what the nurse said."

"When did you become such a rule follower?" I ask her as my footsteps lead me to the entrance of the tent. The wind brushes up against my hair as I place a hand on the entrance sheets, ready to pull them back and see what is going on inside.

Bianca appears behind me as she grabs onto the sheet as well. She pulls it to the side as I do the same.

Stepping in, Bianca whispers to me, "I can and will always be a rule breaker."

I smile at her statement as I see a large teal curtain surrounding a bed in the corner of the room. And as I look no further, its curtains are pulled back slightly, but enough to see the contents of what is going on inside.

My eyes go wide as I spot Enid lying next to Wednesday; the pink blanket I had given her to keep her warm is now wrapped tightly around the two girls.

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