Day 1- Introducing paul to the cooking club

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Me and paul don't live close together which is too bad I really wanted to spend every moment with him but today I'm going to introduce paul to my club. I'm really excited about this actually because one, a new member and two, the new member is hot as fuck.

I was too busy in my thoughts until I reached the school. I walked inside and looked around for paul. I finally found him wandering around outside by the Willy garden. I then told him to follow me and that's what he did. I lead him to my club room and asked if he would join my club. He scratched his arse crack like you do when you do to your chin while your thinking. And to my surprise he actually gave in really easily. I jumped up and down in exitment. I then showed senpai all the equipment that we use and the club activities. Everyone in my club was already starting to make octopussy so I got out some octopus penis from the fridge and started showing senapai how to make them. Everyone seemed to be weirded out that a teacher was in the cooking club but theydidn't say anything probably to avoid detention. Anyway paul made a fresh batch of his own octopussys and we walked together giving people are octopussys 🥺


I sat with senpai for lunch because I'm not ever leaving him we sat in the roof top. He told me how him and his old friend used to sit here and just chat. He then talked about how they made him a bento once. I was jealous. why won't he shut up about her and then it hit me I will just make him a better bento for him to eat so he will stop talking about her. Now I'm not the one to start a compition or be cruel but I really wanted senpai to live me so I felt like it was the only way.

Home time

I left the school thinking what bento I would make him and what character I would make the bento into then I thought of the perfect character I would make him beau the headchog because they are both hot 😘🥰🤩

On the way home I went to go buy the bento ingredients so I could make him bento. I picked up every thing I needed and headed home I then went to take a massive shit and I came back and prepared his meal. I then placed his bento in the fridge and went to watch TV with my none existant dad

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