Day 2- beating oshata in cooking.

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when I woke up I got the bento from the fridge and placed it in my bag I wanted to beat his old friend because I'm the better one. And I deserve to be noticed not his old smelly friend that doesn't care for him anymore.


When I entered the school building I looked around for senpai again but I didn't look to hard beacause I was pretty sure I knew where he was. I entered the cooking room to not my surprise senpai was sitting on his octopussys rubbing his ass into them. I screamed at him and told him to get off the counter he looked very sad so I apologized and gave him the sonic bento I made for him.  His face lit up he thanked me for it and had a look at the little character I made. He asked me I'd he could wipe his ass on the bento and I shot daggers into him. He backed of after that. I told him to meet me in the cooking club so he could do activities with me and the group and so he could tell me if the bento was good and if it was better then his old friend. Wait I don't even know senpais friends name. I raise an eyebrow at senapai and asked "what's the girls name who left you" I then looked surprised that I asked that but he muffled out something so I yanked his hand away from his mouth and told him to repete. He looked away and said "her name is oshata. " hm oshata u think to myself. Oshata is the one I'm going to win against even if she donest know it. I then told senpai that I wanted him to tell me who can do the better bento at cooking club and he smiled at me which made my heart pound.

Lunch and munch 😘

Lunch time was pretty normal I ate my bento then I made octopussys and passed them out to everybody in the school.

After school in the cooking club

I entered my club room. I was the first one there so I just sat down one of the chairs around the table and waited to everyone to arrive. Senpai was the last to arrive. As soon as he entered the door I was asking him questioms left and right. Senpai ignored me until he sat down on the table and then he said "AmHIV your bento was do delious, you won because one your a good cook and two oshata's made me sicck my eyes lit up. He complimenyed my cooking. But then I realized that oshata's made him sick. I did that all for nothing!? Well at least senpai is happy with me maybe now he will love me. I asked senpai why oshata left him. He responded with "well she made me sick, she destroyed a book my sister gave me, she takes pictures of girls undies and stood me up on a date we was ment to go on. " I frowned and told him that I wouldn't do the same.

I went home that night very pleased with my self that I made senpai happy. I had a little thought tho maybe I could get a gift for him like his sister did. Hm what would I get him tho. I grabbed my phone and went on the cex app and browsed for games senpai might like. Then suddenly I came across this game called 'virgin town' the description said it was a game where you had to fuck everybody because everyone is a virgin there. Senpai would love this game so I bought it. I was only £999.99

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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