Chapter 6: Ever So Close.

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"So..... Can any of you explain why, out of all places.... did you start a food fight in here?" The man said onto them, his voice calm, but his gaze piercing. 

"I know I shouldn't be too surprised  when it happens to be someone like you, Ms. An. Especially in regards to your past records, but what truly baffles me is how you, of all people, got Noella Lavares to participate in said food fight. There better be a good reason as to why, young lady. You're not the type to get involved in issues like this, so why did you do it?" 

Noella gulped as she stared at the man, the piercing gaze even more from his aged, lightly wrinkled face that also shows how unamused he is by the whole thing. This man is none other but the Headmaster himself; Emmanuel Honorato Sotto. The 157th Headmaster of this academy, one of many that took charge when the school was established since 1858, back when the Spaniards were the ruling powers of the country. 

Headmasters aren't often considered greatly, or even seen fondly by other students, at least, from what Noella can understand, but the students of today, and the students of the old days considered him to be the best headmaster the school got, as he expanded the school's curriculum to new heights. The Cafeteria getting better quality ingredients for their meals, the subjects given more resources such as Literature being given classical and modern books as a reference, and so much more. 

Others however, didn't like him so much, for one simple reason.

He became the headmaster of this school not long after the mysterious disappearances in the Graduation Day, and especially after the evidence got scrubbed and buried away, never to see the light of day again.

Noella thought they were nothing but hogwash and slander, but after the incident with Raymond, and the with the way how the janitor told her to grab and leave, she started having second thoughts about those opinions... Maybe they're right about something. 

And the knowledge of that being a possibility.... frightened her. 

Thoughts raced to her head, and then she remembered the night when she was hiding with Raymond... She got caught by some strange man wearing a golden latticed mask, who just stared at them. It's like they didn't even exist.... Or, more like not much of a worry since they both saw each other. 

Could the headmaster be him? It's quite debatable since the only evidence she had for it is that someone has to know the school quite well when it came to the investigation. Though, that is also debatable since if it was him, he would've recognized them instead of shrugging them off. 

Yet.... It still feels unnerving, especially since she mostly stays out of trouble. 

"I got... Roped in, that's all..." Was the only thing she can say, withering under his cold gaze.

She was expecting to get scolded, and lashed out verbally, only to hear him sigh and waves it off. Naturally, it would have been confusing because if the students that participated can be punished, why does she get an excuse? 

Even An was confused. She may be a troublemaker, but that doesn't mean that she's unaware, nor oblivious to the fact that actions have consequences.

"I shouldn't really be surprised that one day, this academy will have to deal with your antics. When I looked upon your records, as amusing as it is, this school was within it's rights to have grounds to deny you. We do have a reputation to uphold, much less a standard since we tend to favor the creme de la creme of many." He began, holding his hands together as he looks at them.  "Of course, we did open our doors for such folks like you, but we would like to maintain it. Unfortunately, some have requested that I should hold, much less refrain from making that decision." 

The Academy.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora