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YOU LET OUT A SHAKY BREATH, as you stood in front of a specific cafe

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YOU LET OUT A SHAKY BREATH, as you stood in front of a specific cafe. You gotta admit that you felt nervous about your first date. Hopefully, nothing bad will happen. You tapped your foot against the floor nervously as you felt your heartbeat thump rapidly against your chest.

At the same time, you were extremely excited! You had little hope that you would be able to find a job here. You basically drowned yourself in your own thoughts before you heard a familiar voice.

“Y/n!! Where have you been?!” Emma clinged onto your side tightly, she stared up at you with her yellow eyes that sparkled brightly. You gulped nervously before pulling her into a hug.

She felt her cheeks heat up and returned your hug and buried her face in your neck while slightly tiptoeing. ‘Wahhh! They’re hugging me!!!’ Emma celebrated inside of her head, small stars surrounding her.

How am I supposed to afford the stuff here when I don’t have any money.’ You felt your soul flying away from your body, Emma quickly grabbed your hand and started to drag you inside the cafe.

“Y/n-San, I’m glad to have you for myself this time!” Emma smiled brightly, you just stared down at her in confusion. Once you stepped inside the cafe, Emma’s eyes scanned the whole place before she decided to choose an available spot nearby.

The entire cafe was pretty bright, there were tons of flowers around everywhere. The entire place was just covered in black and white, but the windows were huge so you can see the outside. You sat down on the chair that had cushion on it, which was incredibly comfortable!

Your eyes scanned the cafe excitedly, until you spotted a familiar figure approaching your table. You quickly turned your attention back to Emma to only see her talking.

“This is our first time hanging outside of school! Let’s hang out more often. What are you going to order? This place is pretty fancy!” Emma gushed, her eyes sparkling with stars.

“Uh, This cafe is extremely beautiful.” You responded back, Emma smiled and rested her chin on her palm. Her cheeks turned a bright pink color, she looked at you with lovey-dovey eyes. “Oh, and Y/n-San. I’ll be paying, so don’t worry about paying.” She cooed.

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