Chapter 2 - My Job

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The roar of my engine collided with my yelps of happiness as I sped along the deserted high way with glee. The smell of burnt rubber filled my nose and a smile crept across my face. Meeting Mr White, or as he likes to call himself, Hiensberg, wasn't as bad as I thought it would of been. But still, although he was a good man, I still didn't trust his judgment of killing Gus if things got to, hazardous. Saul had called me shortly after leaving and had told me that I was to meet with Walter and Jesse later that week to sort out the money perspective. He was a good man, Saul. Yeah, he was a criminal for defending guilty citizens but he had always been there for me, always helped me get jobs. I watched the sun begin to slide beneath the earth as I stopped the car with a screech. Beautiful colours filled the sky; orange, yellow, red, a hint of fading blue. I leaned out of my driver's window, staring at the sun. Mike would be expecting a call, I thought to myself. I pulled out my iPhone and dialled his number, pressing the phone to my ear while I watched the sunrise.
"Hello?" Mike says, grunting like an old man.
"You won't believe where I am", I say, biting the inside of my lip.
"Let me guess? You're on a highway, in your Mustang, staring at the sunset?" He asks.
A smile spreads over my face and I reply with, "You know me so well!"
"Good to hear from you girly, how's things?"
"Just patched up a deal with a Mr Hiensberg; Saul got us in touch", I reply.
" A Saul Goodman? I don't want you mucking around with that man, he's as slippery as a fish" mike exclaims, letting out a heavy breath.
"He's a good man, Mike. Go easy on him", I say ," anyway, look wanna get some dinner tonight. Catch up?"
"Yeah, sure, I'll cook. My place at 7", Mike replies.
I click the end button and slip my phone back into my jacket pocket. 5:30, I think to myself, check I my watch, time for a drive to my dear friend Walter White's place.
I laugh at myself and pull onto the road, leaving dust cloud up behind me.

The sun has set and the stars are bright and high in the sky. I dim my headlights as I park down the road from Walter's place. My eyes stare at his house, focusing on all the small details. The vibrating of the engine echoes through the interior of the car. My heart beat quickens as I see a car pull up into the drive. A green Aztec. A smile appears on my face as I see Walter step outside and lock the car. I watch and wait as he enters the house and turns on the lounge light, that casts through the window. His dark figure exits the house again and walks down to the post box. My pupils dialate as I see Walter glance up to see my car. A confused expression appears across his face. I roll my eyes as he begins to walk towards my Mustang. A smile appears on my face as I think of a funny plan. As Walter enters my headlight beams, I beep the horn, causing him to drop his mail and stagger backwards.
"Go back home Walter", I say, leaning out the open window.
" What's this? Are you following me?" He asks, walking around to  stand over me.
"Your wife is expecting you", I explain, giving him a cheeky smile.
" I didn't pay you to follow me, I paid you to protect me and my partner", he says, gritting his teeth. My impatience was wearing thin and I could feel the anger in me rising.
"Walter, this is my job. Now go home", I say, getting out of my car. The slam of my car door echoes throughout the street.
" Not until you tell me what you are doing here, at my house?" He says, crossing his arms. I glared at Walt, already making the atmosphere awkward and umcomfortable. I stand in front of Walt, centimetres from his face.
"Walt, go home", I whisper menacingly. I put my hands on my hips, revealing the holstered gun on my side. The fear on his face soon began to erupt, starting with his eyes softening and him taking a step back.
" Have a nice night, Walt", I say, watching him pick up his post and briskly walk home, glancing over his shoulder. The telephone ring of my mobile breaks my concentration.
"Hello?" I ask, getting back in my car.
"Dinners ready", Mike replies, the clang on plates accompanying his voice.
" Got it", I say, starting my car engine and driving to my destination.

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