Chapter 4 - The Warning

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The early morning rays of light glided through the blinds, waking me from my deep sleep. I rub my face, messing up my long blonde hair. The smell of bacon wafted through the air and up my nose. A lazy smile spreads on my face as I realize someone is cooking in the kitchen.
"Mike", I say, waiting for a reply. The crackle and spit of frying bacon fills my ears as I stumble to the kitchen.
" You want bacon?" Mike replies, chucking the bacon on a bit of bread. I shake my head and check the time on my watch.
"I better be going, Saul's probably expecting me to run some errands", I say through a yawn.
" Well. Be careful, you know what its like out there", he replies, turning the stove off and dumping the frying pan into the sink.
"Mike", I say, " I'm always careful". He looks over to me and gives me a smile, "Oh I know you try to be". I wrap my arms around his neck and plant a kiss on his cheek.
" Stay safe old man", I whisper. Grabbing my coat from the coat hook, I step out into the fresh air. The sun was already risen and the clouds hung loosley in the blue, blue sky. A strange sense on uneasiness swept over me as I glanced down the road towards a parked car, with tinted windows. I swallow a hard lump and proceed to my car, briskly. The screech of tires behind me makes me spin around. Hands grab for my arms and a handkerchief is pressed on my mouth. I try to scream through the intoxicating cloth but I begin to spin. Spinning and spinning into a world fall of shapes and numbers. I feel myself being dragged and then dumped into a boot of a car. I was too weak to fight. Pins and needles spread throughout my body, and my muscles were numb. Muffled conversation fills my ears as we begin to drive away. Oh no, Mike, they better not have touched him, I think to myself before my head fell and I passed out.

The same wheezing noise from my cramp chest echoed throughout the speeding car. I tug on the masking tape that condemns my hands together and feel it only becoming tighter. Dust filtered in through one of broken head lights of the car, filling the boot. We had been driving for a while now and the chlorophyll my kidnappers had used on me had begun to wear off. I grit my teeth together, feeling my legs becoming impaled by pins and needles. Through the virlbrations of the car and the red dust I had deduced that we were somewhere in the baron desert of New Mexico, just outside of town. My head felt heavy and it was hard to keep it up from the constantly moving metal beneath me. Before I had been chucked in the boot I had sent a brief glance at my attackers. Dark skinned, brown eyes, buff; my guess, Gus's employees. Suddenly the car began to slow down, making adrenaline fill my viens. Gus Fring wasn't a man to mess with, he was dangerous. The sun beamed down hard onto me as the boot lid flung open. Two shadows stood over me as I blnked furiously trying to adjust to the bright light. With rough hands, they yanked me out of the boot. My legs felt like jelly beneath me and gave way for me to fall onto the floor.
"Search her", says a man, with a deep voice. Hands rummaged through my pockets as i squirmed upwards, trying to stand up.
" Get her up!" Shouts the man. A heavy sigh escapes my mouth as a set of hands find my gun and remove it from its holster. I watch as one of the figures gives it to the demanding man who seemed in charge.
"Genevieve Farey", says a new figure, his voice all to familiar. I look to a figure exiting another black JEEP," how nice to see you again". Gus Fring. This man was Gus Fring. No one scared me as much as him. A hard lump forms in my throat as he walks over to me, with the normal suit and tie and big framed glasses. His beady brown eyes and evil smile looks into my blood shot eyes.
"Sorry about the arrival but I thought it would be necessary considering what I have heard about you and your new partners", Gus explains.
" My new partners? I don't understand", I lie, trying to conceal the fear beneath the surface of my skin. A fist collides with my face, sending me to the ground. I could already feel the swelling of my eye begin to take place. I breathed hard only to inhale the red dust. An episode of coughing controls me as a kick is sent into my stomach, winding me. I watch as Gus crouches in front of me.
"Don't lie to me Gen. I know you. I know what you are doing", he whispers, pointing a finger into my face.
" Look Gus, I swear I don't know what you're talking about", I reply, feeling blood drip from my eyebrow down my cheek.
"Well, maybe he'll jog your memory", he says, standing up and waving his hand at one of the kidnappers. I stare as the man pulls a hooded figure from the car. A hard lump again forms in throat as I realize who it is. Saul.
" Make him kneel", Gus says and the men push him onto the ground and rip off the hood. Wide eyed and afraid he glances around to find me staring at him. The click of a gun in Gus's hand pointing at Saul's head indicates he was serious.
"One", Gus says, placing the barrel of my pistol onto Saul's head.
" Two", he says, his trigger finger rubbing on the trigger.
"Three", he whispers, staring down on Saul. With a shot of adrenaline I scramble over between Saul and Gus.
" Okay, okay," I say, my hands raised, "just dont hurt him, he's not a part of this. I am". I watch with relief as Gus lowers the gun. His eyes stared at, sending shivers down my spine. I lean back as he stands close to me, his face in mine.
" This is a warning, Gen, do not do buisness with Walter White", he whispers. I nod my head and grit my teeth. As I begin to settle, I feel Gus swipe the gun across my face, making me collapse onto the floor in front of Saul.

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