Letters to Dorkiet

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Author: Laughing Jay
Summary: Eddward comes home to the usual post it papers on his walls and appliances, listing his chores and notes left by his parents. Things like "Mow the lawn," or "Dinner is in the fridge," or "You've been on my mind for weeks, dork." ...Wait...

Edd fumbled with the tiny note in his hands. He read it repeatedly, flipping it from one side to the other, hoping to get a hint as to how or why it was there. He set it down gently on his kitchen counter before dropping his elbows down to the countertop's surface and resting his head on his pale palms. His face contorted into a frown as he stared at the note. It sent a wave of paranoia through his jumbling mind as he continued to go over it.

"You've been on my mind for weeks, dork."

He knew very well that the note was in no possible way from his mother. Though appearing as though its creator attempted to replicate her writing, its handwriting needed to be more precise and looked rushed. It was understandable; a note like this must have come from nervous hands.

Edd's mind reeled; only one person he knew of referred to him in such a childish manner, and as he thought it over, the cloud of mystery soon cleared. Its owner wasn't at school today, so it could have been likely that he wrote the note and broke in to place it, making sure to position it in a place where it would be nearly impossible for Edd to miss it, though he would have searched for new notes for the day either way. But even then, who would waste a fantastic day of learning to place a message? He would have been confronted about it later anyways; he wouldn't have done this in the first place if it wasn't what he wanted. Plus, unlike the other two of his trio, he was rather upset without the jock there. He found that he missed him more than he should have.

He shook his head in an attempt to focus.

"I can't wrap my finger around this... Kevin Barr, you have a lot of explaining to do!" Edd grumbled to himself.

At first, he feared it was just a prank, a joke that would end horribly for Double D if he chose to take it any further, but it didn't seem so. Edd put all the pieces together, took every hint of evidence left behind, and placed it into its rightful places.

The handwriting, it's messy, but he made it as presentable as possible in shaking hands. An improvement from his usual, and might I add atrocious, chirography. And the carpet, you would think a careless boy like Kevin would stomp on in without a care in the world, but everything was neat. There were even traces of mahogany dirt from none other than the baseball field in the shoe box; he must have been thoughtful enough to place them there - wait a minute. How did he know my habits?

A chill went up his spine. Edd was known as a "neat freak," but only those who had come into his home at least once, such as Ed and Eddy, knew of his strict shoes-in-the-house policy. As far as he could remember, Kevin had never set one foot, or shoe, in his home. Edd was baffled and, in a nutshell, overwhelmed with his findings and concluded that it could have just been a coincidence and this was nothing more than a harmless prank. Though on Edd's side, it fell short of something close to heartbreak. Double D turned out of his kitchen, the paper in his clenched fist, and saw another cyber yellow note on the staircase wall. Edd's heart dropped to the floor.

"A-another one?" He froze, staring at the words scrawled in a cyan highlighter. Edd's heart stopped as he stepped closer, reading his newfound letter.

"I can't take it. I like you, okay, dork?"

His heart beat wildly. He couldn't stand this. If this was a joke, it was going too far. Kevin was on thin ice, and it took everything in Edd not to burst through his front door and storm over to the ginger's home, demanding an explanation. His feelings and pent-up interest in a particular boy were suddenly flooding back to the surface, and Edd wouldn't have it. His emotions were being tampered with, and the boy responsible would be able to injure Double D more than any other. It was simply too much. He tore the note from the wall and sped up his stairs, careful not to trip in his slippers. Turning the corner to his hallway, he found another. And another, and another. In total, seven notes hung proudly on his hallway walls. Double D's knees shook as he broke out into a nervous sweat. What game was he playing? Is this even a joke anymore? Edd felt violated but, at the same time, very - touched. Below his burning emotions and rapid heart, he felt a sense of relief, finding the notes rather amusing and lovely. He almost wanted to bolt down his stairs, out the door, and find the writer of these notes. Not for a lecture or confrontation but simply for the relief of his burning heart. Edd licked his soft, pink lips and continued reading the letters in order as he detached them from their post.

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