Chapter 2

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Eli'ä was never the one who wanted to settle down, find a mate and start a family. No, she wanted to be free, to be able to fly without anything weighting her back.

But that wasn't possible. She couldn't dream forever, she had to wake up to harsh reality, which was her mother always pestering her when she was gonna find a mate, start a family and all this stuff.

Right now, Eli'ä wanted to run away from her mother, so the only place left for her to go was the forest.

Oh, the beautiful forest, full of life, full of beauty, full of everything you'll ever want or need. It was all she ever wanted, all she ever needed. Nature made her feel complete, more complete than any Na'vi man or woman ever could.

,, Grrr- " Eli'ä was brought back to her senses by something growling while biting her leg. When she looked down she realized it was the creature from last night.

,, Oh, hello little guy, what are you doing here? " She said softly as her hand brushed against the creatures head.

The creature purred, rubbing its head against the palm of her hand. Its white eyes were staring at her so innocently, like it wanted to be cuddled her.

A soft 'Awww..' left Eli'ä's mouth as she pat the creatures head, her eyes softly gazed at the adorable little animal. She wanted to take it home, but her sister probably wouldn't like that.

,, Tuk, come on, hurry up! " She heard a familiar voice whisper yell. Her head snapped to the side, trying to figure out where it was coming from. She was sitting under a tree, in an area she wasn't supposed to be at, so it was obvious they weren't supposed to be there either.

,, Sorry little guy, but I got to go. " Eli'ä whispered to the creature, who just shook its head and jumped up, flying somewhere into the trees. Eli'ä then turned around and climbed up the tree, then jumped from tree branch to another tree branch, following the sound of the children's voices.

She knew who it was, she could recognize the voices anywhere. Lo'ak, Kiri, Tuk and Spider. These trouble makers were at it again, and now they got Tuk in their trouble.

As she heard the sound of the children quiet down she slowed down and stpped at a tree branch. She glanced around, noticing that they were at the old lab Jake used to use.

But as she looked closer she realized there were some Na'vi people, yet... They didn't look like Na'vi at all, they had clothes that sky people wore. And they had guns.

,, Oh god... " Eli'ä's eyes widened as she realized who they were. They were like Jake, sky people, but transfered to a Na'vi body. Her eyes quickly searched around for the children, and to her horror, they were way too close to them, one wrong move or sound and they could find them.

A frown formed on her lips, by the way Lo'ak was acting it seemed like he was probably talking to Jake or Neytiri. After a few minutes they quietly turned around and started walking away, but before they could get far away the weird Na'vi people attacked them.

,, No- " Eli'ä growled as she grabbed her bow and got ready to shoot them down. She tried to stay hidden while doing so, she needed to stay low until Jake and Neytiri arrive so she could have backup. She knew she had no way of winning against multiple people with guns.

She let out a yelp, that blended very well with the sounds of other animals, but Lo'ak knew it was his auntie, so he got ready to get his sibling and friend out.

She aimed her bow at a man who held a knife against Kiri's throath, which only made her worries go up.

She took a deep breath, and then let the arrow go, she watched as it plunged straight to the mans heart. The other men panicked and started shooting everywhere while trying to get behind a tree while the kids trashed in their hold.

Eli'ä released another arrow into another mans head, and watched as his limp body fell to the ground. The kids now had an opportunity to ran away, which they thankfully did. As Eli'ä's eyes followed the running children, another man came into her view.

Her eyes widened slightly when she realized he was watching her. But what confused her was the fact that he didn't look mad or any other emotion she expected from him. It seemed like he was just staring, like he was frozen in awe.

As she examined him further, she saw how his muscles seemed tense, you could clearly see them through his tight top. The front of his hair was shaved, which matched really well with his braid. His lips were slightly parted, his pupils larger than they should be. Eli'ä quickly shook her head to distract herself from any unholy upcoming thoughts. I mean, you can't blame her, she never had a man, and seeing such an attractive man was rare to see.

Eli'ä quickly glanced over at the kids, now she saw Neytiri with Jake and Neteyam ushering them away, they clearly had no intention to fight them, so Eli'ä decided to retreat for now. As her eyes trailed back over to the mysterious man, she realized he disappeared. She quickly stood up and jumped from the tree branch down to the grass, but just as she landed felt someone grab her neck from behind and pinned her against the tree.

She hissed and dropped her bow in surprise. ,, Don't do anything stupid. " A low voice whispered in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

But of course, Eli'ä being Eli'ä didn't listen and immediately grabbed her knife. She then swung it behind her, slicing the man's arm. He hissed, but didn't let go of her, only tightened his hold.

He quickly knocked the knife out of her hand and grabbed her by her hair. Before she could do anything he yanked her head and her face collided with the tree. Eli'ä immediately fell unconsious, a trail of blood ran down the side of her face.

The man groaned at the stinging sensation in his arm, but tried to ignore it as he bend down to pick the Na'vi woman up. He picked her up bridal style and started walking back over to his men.

He noticed that one of his men was carrying hi 'son'. A part of him felt bad for the boy, but the other didn't care about him, it only cared about the fairly attractive woman laying soundly in his arms.

,, We got two hostages with us, both involved with Jake Sully. "

,, Rogger that Miles. "

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