chapter one

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Y/n was wandering the wet streets of the city. Lost and all alone. It was pitch black outside, so y/n could barely get around. As the rain started to drench y/n, they started to lose all hope in finding help. Then, out of the blue, a soft voice broke the silence.

"What are you doing out here all alone boo?"

Huh? Y/n was slightly startled. They weren't expecting to hear anyone out at this time of night. They struggled in response.

"Um...I'm j-just a little lost," they replied.

"Oh baby girl...this is not good. I can help you!" The mystery man continued.

He walked into the light of the street light. Y/n could finally see the mystery man who was offering his help.

Wow, they thought, he was the most alluring man alive, and he stood right in front of them.

He was tall, definitely 6,5 or 6,6. He had a glowing crimson face with two blue sapphires in the middle and glowing auburn locks. He was wearing primark's finest attire.

He was absolutely stunning.

Y/n started to blush all over.

"Uh,uh...i don't know where i am..
And i don't know how to get home!" They started to stumble over their words.

The man started to stride closer to y/n. He could see them going red.

"Oh, pookie... you must be freezing in this cold! Here, take this"

The curious gentleman slipped his checkered jacket off and placed it onto
y/n's sopping shoulders. Doing this reveals his massive muscles that he was hiding in the jacket.

" You didn't have to do this for me. You can keep the jacket." y/n blurted out.

" Nonsense, I just want to help where do you live?" he quickly intervened.

"Ummm... i live in y/street name,  im not sure how to get there from here, "

"Ohhh... this is a problem, " he mumbled
"That's too far for me to drive you to tonight,"

"Oh...thats ok" y/n softly spoke. They were truly screwed. Lost in the big city forever.

Then the man had a great idea.

"Oh please, don't be upset, honey bun... you can stay with me for the night! Only if you wanna, " he suggested.

Staying with a random man?overnight? Alone!? This was looking quite dodgy to y/n. However, they didn't have much of a choice. At least he looked good. That was the plus in this situation.

"Before i say yes, can i get your name?" The asked softly.

The man leaned up into y/n's ear and softly whispered.

" The names paul, paul choccy woccy breach,

The words bounced around y/n's head and sent shivers down their spine. Paul?what a melodic name for a hansome hunk.

Weakly, they reponded

"Oh my names y/n"


With nothing else to say, paul softly wrapped his arm around y/n's and guided them to his impressive car.

(I am ashamed of this...)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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